• Reminders:




    Welcome to Second Grade!

    A Few Reminders:
    Remember to send in a healthy snack each day.  A small juice box or drink may be included.  Please write the student's name on the outside of the bag, so that they can find their snack easily. Their snack should be separate from their lunch. 
    Please label lunchboxes and jackets.  We want to return the missing items to the owner as soon as we can!
    Please remember to check the take-home folder each day for notices/homework etc. 
    If your child has a change in dismissal plans, (playdate, pick-up line, etc.) please place a note in their folder and have them put it in the Mrs. Zavaglia basket so that I am aware of the changes.
    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me through email or a message through the office.  I will return your call or email as soon as possible.
    Looking forward to a great year! 


Last Modified on September 1, 2019