• second grader


    Super Second Grader

            We love to learn about our classmates and teacher.  Once we start, a new student will be chosen to be the Super Second Grader for the week. On Monday, the student has a special bulletin board that they get to decorate. Pictures from home, postcards, artistic work, etc. can be used to decorate the board. They can also bring in special objects from home to display on the shelf.
            On Friday, we all listen to their oral presentation. Then we interview that student with a specific question from each member of the class.   It's great to celebrate and learn so much about a different person each week!   Mrs. Zavaglia will be our  first Super Second Grader!
    Congratulations to our classmate who will be the newest Super Second Grader!  We are looking forward to learning all about our classmates soon!



Last Modified on August 25, 2018