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    :Welcome Letter:

    August 2022

    Dear PRIDE Families, 

    Welcome to Room 10!  For those who I have not met, I am Ms. Jenkins, your child’s teacher this coming school year in PRIDE. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer! I’m looking forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting some new ones!

    In the first couple of weeks, your child will slowly transition into their new classroom, meet new friends, and perhaps reunite with familiar friends, develop a sense of independence, and expand on all the skills they have already. 

    I am excited to be joined by Ms. Petrillo and Ms. Sue, our classroom teaching assistants. Also joining us will be a full team of therapists and our P.E teacher, Mrs. Brandee. We will be working to make your child’s PRIDE experience as successful and enjoyable as possible. 

    Enjoy the rest of your summer! School will be here soon, and I know we will have a GREAT time laughing, playing, becoming friends, singing, painting, running, jumping, and doing a little learning along the way!

    Please visit my teacher page for more information:  HERE

    To contact me, use the email address: mjenkins@Livingston.org. For related services questions, or specific concerns regarding your child’s IEP, visitations, updating goals or therapy(s), please contact your child’s case coordinator directly (The Child Study Team [CST]) at Burnet Hill School.

    I encourage you to send me an email prior to school beginning, and we can begin our correspondence. I look forward to meeting both you and your child and having a successful and enjoyable school year!

    See you soon!

    Ms. Jenkins



Last Modified on August 29, 2022