• :Home-School Connection:

    I encourage parent involvement in our classroom. This makes the children feel so special when they see pictures of their family or share something from home. 

    • Classroom Family Tree - Make sure to send in a picture of your family to by displayed on our family tree. This gives students the opportunity to communicate with one another, expand vocabulary, and learn about one onther's family.     
    • Family Holidays - Anytime your family celebrates a holiday or enjoys an activity that is a family tradition, please send pictures and a short explanation for me to share with the class. There may also be an opportunity for you to come in to educate the class in person. If there is a holiday coming up that you would like to teach us about, please contact me in advance. (I'm still learning too!) 
    • Parent Volunteers - During the school year we will host a few events that may need parent volunteers. These are typically done via sign up sheet or drawing from a list of names. Events are TBD and more information will be forthcoming as the events approach.
    • Birthdays - bring in a favorite book from home for Ms. Jenkins to read to the class! Their classmates and teachers will sign the book as a keepsake. 

    *Stay tuned for more ways to connect with our classroom!

Last Modified on August 28, 2022