TR, June 15

Today's Summary… 

Morning Meeting -Today we completed a fun Father’s Day activity - we created Google Themed cards. Happy Father’s Day to all our pit crew parents that are celebrating!!

Social Studies- Today we learned all about Juneteenth.  What happened on Juneteenth Day? Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as "Juneteenth," by the newly freed people in Texas.  We also discussed how we can each “say something” to stand up for others. 

Reading/Writing: Today we continued book clubs for our unit on historical fiction. Through our mentor text, Number the Stars we reviewed that good readers turn to nonfiction resources to better understand historical fiction stories. We read Ch. 14-15 in our read aloud novel, and jotted questions we had about the historical context of the book.  Then, we read in our book club groups. Reminder: you should complete your book club book by WED. 

 HW: Read 20-30 min nightly and be sure to look over the Critics’ Corner calendar in preparation for sharing your favorite book (you read this school year). 

Math- Today we explored POLYGONS and learned that we can sort them based on number of sides, lengths of sides, types of lines and types of angles. Great job identifying quadrilaterals through today’s hands on task! We even had 6th grade teachers join in the fun and our crew was AMAZING!

Note: Ch 5 Measurement math tests were sent home in today’s Fri Folder. Be sure to review and we will make necessary corrections on MONDAY. 

 Science-  Today we collected DATA on famous roller coasters around the world. We learned more about coaster height, length, speed and duration through our interactive research.  We also began to develop ideas for our upcoming COASTER project on Monday.  WOOHOO!

**For specials today we had: MEDIA

Word Study- NO Word Study today- we continued science as needed.