- Harrison Elementary School
- Harrison Elementary Equity Team
What are the goals of the Harrison Equity Team this year?
The Equity teams continue to work with teachers to make instruction more responsive to diversity, and inclusive of various cultures. The teams also work to strategically implement professional development and school-based programming focused on diversity, anti-racism, and cultural inclusivity in teaching and learning in order to create a common language and set of expectations for the school community.
This school year, the Harrison Equity Team's goals include:
DISTRICT GOAL: Community and Culture - Engaging all stakeholders, especially students and their families and guardians, in educational programs is essential to creating a community of equity in our school district. Ensure just outcomes for each student, raise marginalized voices, and challenge imbalances of power and privilege.
- Review School and District-Wide Equity Data
- District-Wide Equity Audit
- Community Survey from 10/26
- HIB Data from 2022-23 School Year
- Provide Educational Opportunities for Students, Staff, and Community Members to Increase Positive Student-Student and Student-Teacher Interactions around Culture and Equity
- Continue Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Audit beyond the Social Studies discipline
- Continue to use Talents of Faculty/Staff to facilitate our Equity Work