
    Many children attending school have some form of asthma ...
    nly a few keep inhalers at school.

    If your child uses an inhaler at times, check with your doctor to see if they should keep one at school. For kids with seasonal allergies, recess and gym pose a real threat during the spring. Older students run the mile once in the fall and again in the spring. Allergens are everywhere - all over the equipment they climb and play on - not to mention the air they breathe. Children with asthma are reassured when they know that their "puffer" is within reach...whether this be in the health office or in the backpack if your doctor has determined that your child can safely self-medicate.  
    The state mandated Asthma Action Plan must be downloaded from the forms section of the health office website. This form must be completed by your child's physician every school year and returned to the school nurse with the appropriate medication.   


    Each school health office in Livingston has a nebulizer that is available for any child who may need it. If this is something you foresee your child using, send in tubing and medication, along with the proper documentation from your doctor. 

    If your child has asthma, you can create the best home environment possible by knowing his or her asthma triggers and eliminating or minimizing exposure to them.