Harrison Elementary School

Empowering All to Learn, Create, Contribute & Grow

School News

District Announcements


    LOGOLPS strives to respond to concerns and/or questions as quickly and effectively as possible. In a school system, as in any organization, the “chain of command” refers to communication levels of authority in the school district. Please refer to the link below to learn who can best solve any concerns or questions that may arise. 


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    CHILDRENKindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on January 15, 2025 FOR CURRENT LIVINGSTON RESIDENTS ONLY. All registration will be done via our online registration portal. Children must be 5 years old on or before October 1, 2025 to register for kindergarten. LEARN MORE ...

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Principal's Messages

  • February 10, 2025

    Posted by Daniel Garcia on 2/10/2025

    Dear Harrison Families, 


    What an amazing Talent Show yesterday at Mount Pleasant Elementary School. I am proud of all our students! A big thank you to our Harrison Talent Show Board and all the volunteers who make the event possible. I told everyone yesterday that this is the 25th time Harrison has had a Talent show and it is a special and unique event. It would be impossible to bring it to the stage without ALL the volunteers who make it happen! Thank you!


    On Friday, we will be celebrating the 100th Day of School and Pajama Day/Valentine’s Day at the same time. We have many activities planned for that day that celebrate math and also showing love and taking care of ourselves! We will also be collecting for our annual donation to Livingston Neighbors Helping Neighbors. I will send out more information alongside this message detailing the collection. 


    Once again, the PTA is running the TREP$ program.  TREP$ is open to all 4th & 5th graders on a first come first served basis.  We are happy to say we are accepting 60 students this year.  The dates for the workshop and Marketplace are listed in the flyer.  Registration will open on Wednesday, February 12th in the evening at 8:00pm.  The flyer has the link to the registration for easy access.  Please note, this is a very popular program and will fill up very quickly.  


    Our Author’s Visit is also just around the corner. Sarah Weeks will be here on March 25th! Please see the link attached to order a book from her wide-variety of books. She will personally sign each book purchased and your children should get it on that day. Please use the following link to order books that will be signed on the day of the visit. You must make your purchase on or before February 27th.


    Student Council SOUPer Bowl - thank you for the donations! It also looks as if our Harrison prediction came true and the Eagles have won! The student council and Harrison thanks all who donated for their generosity!


    The PTA Meeting scheduled for tonight is canceled. The next PTA meeting is scheduled for March 10th at 7:00 pm.


    Upcoming Dates:

    Feb  10 - PTA Meeting (Canceled)

    Feb  11 - Leaders, Grade 4

    Feb  12 - Leaders, Grade 1

    Feb  13 - Leaders, Grade 5

    Feb  14 - 100th Day, Yoga Day and Pajama Day celebrations

    Feb  17 & 18 - No School

    Feb  25 - District Band Day

    Feb  26 - District Band Day - Snow date if needed


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