Harrison Elementary School

Empowering All to Learn, Create, Contribute & Grow

School News

District Announcements


    LOGOLPS strives to respond to concerns and/or questions as quickly and effectively as possible. In a school system, as in any organization, the “chain of command” refers to communication levels of authority in the school district. Please refer to the link below to learn who can best solve any concerns or questions that may arise. 


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    CHILDRENKindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on January 15, 2025 FOR CURRENT LIVINGSTON RESIDENTS ONLY. All registration will be done via our online registration portal. Children must be 5 years old on or before October 1, 2025 to register for kindergarten. LEARN MORE ...

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Principal's Messages

  • February 2, 2025

    Posted by Daniel Garcia on 2/2/2025

    Dear Harrison Families,

    Our Harrison Read-A-Thon starts tomorrow! Parents who have registered, please make sure to log all those reading minutes at home to help us motivate students to reach new levels of reading! If you are not registered yet, please register as your child will be eligible for a random prize each morning, just for registering. The email sent out on Friday from the PTA details a list of possible prizes that are available for our top earning and reading classes and individuals! We also plan on giving a school-wide reward as well! Thank you in advance for encouraging reading and gaining sponsors to support our reading efforts for the next two weeks. At the end of the Read-A-Thon, parents and students will have 10 days to redeem on the website other prizes as well. Lets get reading!

    Our Author’s Visit is also just around the corner. Sarah Weeks will be here on March 25th! Please use  THIS LINK to order a book from her wide-variety of selections. She will personally sign each book purchased (personalized dedications should include first names only) and your children should get it on that day. You must make your purchase on or before February 27th.

    The student council will be collecting canned goods for the SOUPer bowl. Children can place their items in the baskets outside of the main office! It has already started and it looks as if the Eagles are winning! We will be collecting canned goods until February 7th so get donating. Please see the flyer for details.

    Upcoming Dates:

    Feb 4 - Leaders, Grade 3
    Feb 5 - Leaders, Grade 2
    Feb 7 - Talent Show Rehearsal, MPMS, 5:00 pm
    Feb 9 - Talent Show, MPMS, 12:00 pm
    Feb 10 - PTA Meeting
    Feb 11 - Leaders, Grade 4
    Feb 13 - Leaders, Grade 5
    Feb 14 - 100th Day, Yoga Day and Pajama Day celebrations
    Feb 17 & 18 - No School
    Feb 25 - District Band Day
    Feb 26 - District Band Day - Snow date if needed

    Daniel Garcia
    "We all belong. We Fly Together."

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