• book         Reading

    Students  will continue to read with proper phrasing, intonation and emotions in an effective way. Students will use the following reading comprehension stategies to explore texts with different genres. They are expected to apply the following strategies: 
    Making Connections-Students will be able to show or think of how two or more things are related.
    students will relate one aspect to another. The students will also search for and use connections to fund the knowledge they have gained from personal, world, and text experiences.
    Questioning the Text- The students will be encouraged to ask "thick" questions before, during, and after reading. The students will use critical thinking skills.
    Inferring- Students will begin to arrive at a decision or opinion by reasoning from known facts or evidence. Students will go beyond the literal meaning of a text to derive what is not there but implied.
    Summarizing- Students will present the substance or general idea in a brief form. Students will put together the important information while reading.
    Synthesizing- Students will bring together parts or elements to form a whole. Students will put together information from the text and from personal, world, and literacy knowledge to create new understanding.   
    Analyzing- Students will separate and break up a whole into parts to find out their nature, proportion, function, interrelationship or properties.
    Critiquing-Students will make judgments through analyzing the quailites and evaluating them.
    **With the listed comprehension strategies, the students will use a multi-sensory reading approach to enchance their reading. Students will use a variety of strategies.   
    Create a daily reading plan. I want to focus on_________
    figuring out new words
    check for understanding
    reading fluently
    focus on a character theory... theme.. connection
    question/answer I wonder.. I think... 
Last Modified on September 3, 2018