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Battista, Richard
Bauer, Pia
Begega, Ashley
Bowe, Lisa
Caraballo, Leo
Castoro, Lauren
DePalo, Janene
Destro, Kathryn
Dugan, Caroline
Dugan, Kristina
Dugan, Laura
Fedele (Devine), Allison
Fernandez, Sofia
Garamello, Lisa
Gengaro, Marisa
George (Eden), Jade
Gonzalez, Rosa
Gribbon, Molly
Gronek, Jacqueline
Gropack, Ashley
Grossman, Justin
Gursky, Lindsey
Hanna, Nicole
Havrilla, Kristen
Hazelcorn, Eric
Hegedus, James
Hinds, Amy
King, Amanda
Lalli, Pamela
Levine, Chani
Librizzi (Pezzulo), Kathryn
Lombardi, Victoria
Marshall, Bridget
Matten, Michele
Micone, Kacey
Mondanaro, Melissa
Murray, Kristen
Padilla, Amira
Pizzi, Lara
Ratner, Alyssa
Reid, Jessica
Rubin, Amy
Russo, Samantha
Shalom, Jodi
Sinsimer, Kevin
Skwirut, Cassie
Snyder, Marisa
Szaro, Lauren
Vatoci, Etleva
Veneroso, Amanda
Wallock, Dana
Yersak, Erika
Ebneth, Christopher
Kestler, Jacqueline
Landy, Marisa
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Allergies: Don't Panic
Hillside Elementary School
Allergies: Don't Panic
When you become allergic to certain food or things in nature, there are ways to manage.
Here are some links to important information:
Managing Allergic Reactions
information from
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Toolkit
information from
National Association of School Nurses