Hillside Elementary School

Empowering All to Learn, Create, Contribute & Grow

District Announcements


    LOGOLPS strives to respond to concerns and/or questions as quickly and effectively as possible. In a school system, as in any organization, the “chain of command” refers to communication levels of authority in the school district. Please refer to the link below to learn who can best solve any concerns or questions that may arise. 


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    CHILDRENKindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on January 15, 2025 FOR CURRENT LIVINGSTON RESIDENTS ONLY. All registration will be done via our online registration portal. Children must be 5 years old on or before October 1, 2025 to register for kindergarten. LEARN MORE ...

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Principal's Messages

  • February 9, 2025

    Posted by Carlos Gramata on 2/9/2025

    Hello, Hillside Families!  


    Happy Super Bowl Sunday!  I hope whichever team you root for wins!


    Special thanks to the many families who donated to the Student Council's Souper Bowl collection for Livingston Neighbors Helping Neighbors.  As a school, we collected about six medium-sized boxes of canned soup!  Our friends from LNHN will be picking up the collection tomorrow.  We are grateful to the school community for its support in showing students the importance of service and doing good for others!  And, it looks like we have an even number of Chiefs and Eagles fans at Hillside!  Thank you!


    The PTA is hosting its annual Valentine's Day Dance this Thursday, February 13th.  This year, we will have two separate dance times to accommodate the anticipated interest.  Please see this flyer for information and note that while the event is free, registration is required and ends tonight at 8:00 p.m.  Volunteers are needed to ensure a successful event!  If you are interested and available to volunteer, please sign up hereDonations are also needed for a Bake Sale that evening.  Please sign up to donate here.  Thank you, in advance, for your support!


    We also have our monthly PTA meeting this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.  The Zoom link for the meeting can be found in the calendar below. 


    We look forward to our milestone celebration of the 100th day of school on Friday!  We will celebrate the day as a whole school, and buddy classes will participate in "Why We Love Math" themed activities centered around the number 100!  Our longtime friend, Zero the Hero, may even stop in to visit our Kindergarten classes.  Should be a fun day!  Special thanks to our math interventionists, Mrs. L. Dugan and Mrs. King, for planning the fun, and we look forward to a day of community-building and learning!  Note: If we have a school closure this week due to inclement weather, the 100th will be delayed to the following week.  


    The PTA's Scholastic Book Fair will take place the week of February 24!  We will participate in the "All for Books" Coin Challenge the week leading up to the fair, and look forward to the Kickoff Event scheduled for Monday, February 24th, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.!  Please see this flyer for Coin Challenge information and this flyer for complete Book Fair details.  Thanks so much, and we look forward to a successful fair!


    REMINDER: About Valentine's Day:  The PTA and class parents no longer make arrangements for class parties for Valentine's Day.  Students are still welcome to bring in Valentine's cards for their classmates, given the following guidelines: 1)  there is a Valentine's for EVERY student in the class and 2)  Valentine's cards do not include food (other non-edible goodies, including stickers and pencils, are acceptable).  Items brought in that do not adhere to the expectations above will not be given out and will be sent back home with students.  Thank you, and we appreciate your understanding!


    REMINDER: Attention families of students with IEPs!  Hillside's Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) is hosting its annual SEPAC Meeting on Thursday, February 27, from 6:30 to 7:30 in the Hillside Media Center.  This event will be held in hybrid format (in-person and virtually) and here is the formal invitation!  Special thanks to our SEPAC parent representatives, Mrs. Zimmerman and Mrs. Chow, for coordinating this event!


    REMINDER: Note from our Library-Media Specialist, Mrs. Donnelly

    On March 27, 2025 acclaimed author Sarah Weeks will be visiting with our K-5 grade students. Author of over forty books, Ms. Weeks writes beginning readers, middle grade chapter books and novels. She says, “I’m one of those writers who believes in the idea that it’s best to write what you know. I love animals, and I know a fair amount about them, so a lot of my picture books are about animals and the environment. I love kids – the way they talk to each other and the things they think are funny, so my novels are about kids.”


    Book sales will run through February 27, 2025. After this date the sale will be closed and no late orders will be accepted.  Orders will be accepted online only at this site.  Please use code VIP10 when checking out to receive 10% off your entire order.  Thank you!


    REMINDER: The Pomptonian Food Service is hosting its Sixth Annual Healthy School Lunch Challenge.  Students and families are invited to submit recipes that, if selected, may be featured on the school lunch menu!  Please view this video for information.  Additional information can be found in this flyer.  Good luck to anyone who might participate!


    REMINDER:  PTA Spring Fundraiser 2025!  The biggest fundraising event of the year will be held on Thursday, May 1st!  In keeping with the year's 70th Anniversary theme, the Hillside PTA invites families and friends to "get into the 70s groove" and enjoy an evening of fun and prizes.  A flyer with information can be found here.  Family Sponsorship information can be found in this document.  We hope you will join us, and thank you for your anticipated support!


    Thank you, and have a great week! 


    Best regards,

    Mr. Gramata


    P.S. These weekly messages are also posted on the school's site for your convenience. 

    P.P.S. Follow Hillside School on X at @Hillside_Elem!


    Upcoming Dates to Remember!


    Week of February 10, 2025


    Monday, 2-10: ASEs: Art & Golf


    Tuesday, 2-11: LYCS Leaders Grade 2, 2:45 - 3:45 p.m.

    ASEs: Science & Dance

    BOE Workshop Meeting, 7:00 p.m.


    Wednesday, 2-12: Peer Mediation Training 1, 11:03 a.m.

    LYCS Leaders Grade 1, 2:45 - 3:45 p.m.

    Fifth Grade Musical Practice, 2:45 p.m.

    PTA Meeting, 7:00 p.m. (click here for Zoom link)


    Thursday, 2-13: LYCS Leaders Grade 3, 2:45 - 3:45 p.m. (rescheduled from 2-6)

    ASEs: Robotics & Fitness

    PTA's Valentine's Day Dance: Grades K-2, 5:30 - 6:30; Grades 3-5, 7:00 - 

    8:00 p.m., Upper Gym


    Friday, 2-14: Happy Valentine's Day!

    100th Day of School!

    Peer Mediation Training 2, 11:03 a.m.

    ASEs: Engineering & Basketball


    Week of February 17, 2025


    Monday, 2-17: President's Day, Schools Closed


    Tuesday, 2-18: Schools Closed for Extended President's Day Weekend


    Wednesday, 2-19: Scholastic Book Fair Posters Due to School

    Book Fair "All for Books" Coin Challenge–Pennies and Nickels

    Peer Mediation Training 3, 11:03 a.m.

    Fifth Grade Musical Practice, 2:45 p.m.


    Thursday, 2-20: Book Fair "All for Books" Coin Challenge–Dimes and Quarters

    Caring Communities, 9:45 a.m.

    ASEs: Robotics & Fitness


    Friday, 2-21: Book Fair "All for Books" Coin Challenge–All Coins!

    Peer Mediation Training 4, 11:03 a.m.

    Student Council Assembly, 1:45 p.m.

    ASEs: Engineering & Basketball


    Week of February 24, 2025


    Monday, 2-24: Dental Health Assembly w/Dr. Harte, Grades K & 1, 8:30 a.m.

    ASEs: Art & Golf

    Scholastic Book Fair Kickoff Event!  4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Lower Gym


    Tuesday, 2-25: Scholastic Book Fair

    District Band Day, 8:00 - 11:00 a.m., HMS

    ASEs: Science & Dance

    BOE Voting Meeting, 7:00 p.m.


    Wednesday, 2-26: Scholastic Book Fair

    District Band Day Snow Date

    Peer Mediation Training 5, 11:03 a.m.

    Fifth Grade Musical Practice, 2:45 p.m.


    Thursday, 2-27: Scholastic Book Fair

    Author Visit Book Sale Ends (click here for site)

    ASEs: Robotics & Fitness

    Hillside SEPAC Meeting (by invitation only), 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Library

    Friday, 2-26: Scholastic Book Fair (Make-up Shopping Only)

    Mrs. Gribbon's Last Day at Hillside; Congratulations, Mrs. Gribbon!

    Young Audiences Assembly for Black History Month:  "Queen Nur: No 

    Mystery in Black History", K-2 @ 8:30; 3-5 @ 9:30

    Peer Mediation Training 6, 11:03 a.m.

    ASEs: Engineering & Basketball

    Sunday, 3-1: Ramadan Begins

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