





    Dismissal from school shall be supervised by school staff and in accordance with the procedures outlined below. Parents/guardians shall be responsible for complying with these procedures, resuming custody of their children at the end of the school day and ensuring that their children follow their instructions for safe travel home from school. Parents/guardians who fail to pick up their children at dismissal or arrange for their safe travel home from school may be reported to appropriate authorities.


    Staff Supervision

    All homeroom and/or special area teachers are responsible for the dismissal of his or her class. If any teacher is not able to supervise during dismissal a substitute will be appointed to do so. A teacher is posted at each exit door at dismissal time to see that all students go to their appropriate dismissal areas or to the after-care program.


    Teachers will see that each student is released in accordance with procedures designated by the parent/guardian on the School Dismissal Permission Form.


    Mt. Pleasant Elementary staff will be responsible for supervising students at the designated pick-up area outside the school building.


    Students enrolled and participating in an after-care program/after-school activity will go from their classrooms to the gym. Appropriate personnel will take attendance there (may be not district employee, i.e., YMCA staff member).


    Except for after-care participants, the playground will NOT be monitored or supervised after school hours. All children not enrolled in the YMCA after-care program should either go directly home, into vehicles picking them up or to their assigned buses, and are not to play on school grounds without parental supervision.


    Any child, who ordinarily is picked up at school by an adult, but the adult fails to collect the child at dismissal, will be sent or brought to the main office. They should not leave school grounds.



    Pick-up Location (no designated adult)

    Students are to be picked up at one of the following locations:

    ·         #1: Blacktop area near K rooms

    ·         #2: Blacktop area near Music Room

    ·         #3: Blacktop area in back of school

    Pick-up Location (designated adult)

    Students who require pick-up and exchange of custody from the school to a designated adult (ID REQUIRED) are to be picked up inside the building at the following location at dismissal:

    ·         Main Office


    Parents/guardians who select this option must schedule a meeting with the building principal.



    Pick-up / Parking Procedures

    Drivers must comply with designated school drop-off/pick-up and parking procedures.



    Parental Authorization for Each Student’s Dismissal Procedure

    Parents/guardians will be required to submit a School Dismissal Permission Form, to inform the school administration of the dismissal procedure to be followed for each student. Options will include:

    ·         Dismissal by the teacher, with permission to walk off school grounds (this option will be followed until the school is in receipt of the completed School Dismissal Permission Form);

    ·         Dismissal by the teacher to a designated area outside the school building to await pick-up (areas to be specified by each school);

    ·         Ride home on the school bus, with dismissal by the bus driver at the student’s designated bus stop;

    ·         Dismissal to an after-care program/after-school activity;

    ·         Exchange of custody between the school and a designated adult (ID REQUIRED) at a designated areas within the school building.



    Exceptions from Dismissal Procedures

    Exceptions or deviations from the dismissal procedure designated on the School Dismissal Permission Form are disruptive to the school and will be permitted only if requested in writing in advance by the parent/guardian or in an emergency situation. Requests must be submitted in writing to the teacher, and will be forwarded to the main office.


    If a parent, guardian or other adult who ordinarily picks up a student after school is delayed for any reason, the main office must be notified by phone before dismissal. The child will be sent or brought to the main office and will be supervised by a staff member for a brief period of time until they are picked up. If an unwarranted period of time elapses, it may be determined by the school administration that it is in the child’s best interest to call the Livingston Police Department for the appropriate transfer of supervision. If a pattern of late pick-up develops and/or persists, other arrangements must be made by the parent.