• nurse

    Kathleen Giordano
    School Nurse

    Phone: 973-535-8000, x8132
    Email: kgiordano@livingston.org 

    If you have any questions, concerns or need to talk about your child,
    please feel free to contact me at the above number.


    Medical Issues 
    The school nurse should be informed of any medical problem concerning a student, e.g. a food allergy, heart, kidney, orthopedic, surgery, allergies or long-term disability. Any changes in a child’s health status or update of a vaccination should be reported to the nurse too.
    Illness Policy
    • It is important to remember if your child is not feeling well in the morning, keep him/her home from school. If your child vomited the night before or in the morning please keep them home from school. If your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or above, the night before or in the morning please keep him/her home from school. Also, if they exhibit any symptoms of flu, eye infections, rashes, diarrhea, sore throats please keep them home. This will help all of us contain the spread of contagious diseases.
    • Please remember your child should not return to school before at least a 24- hour period of time at home free from any symptoms of illness, such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or sore throat.
    • Proper hand washing should be emphasized and encouraged at home as well as at school. This is the best way to stay healthy and curtail the spread of germs.
    • Please call our Call for Safety number 973 535-8000 ext 7106 to report any absences or child who will be late.
    Emergency Numbers
    It is vital that you keep emergency numbers updated and current, for your child in the STARS system. This is our link to you in case of an emergency, illness or early closing. We also must have at least one (1) emergency contact that is local and able to pick-up your child if needed.