- Hillside Elementary School
- Allergy Guide
Allergy Guide
Try these 5 tips to get ready for the onslaught of pollens:
- Plan outdoor activities after checking pollen levels. (Even better, get tested so you know which pollens wreak havoc).
- Don’t forget to change or wash the A/C filters at home on a regular basis to assist you indoors.
- Wash your hair nightly and change your clothes before entering your bedroom to prevent outdoor pollens from being transferred into your bedroom and bedding.
- Visit an allergist for a successful allergy treatment plan and pre-treat before your allergy symptoms make you ill.
- Watch out for various foods that can worsen seasonal allergies — in at least one third of seasonal allergy sufferers, these include apples, pears, carrots, celery, almonds, hazelnut, and stone fruits (plum, peach, nectarine, cherry, etc). The most common symptom is itchiness of the mouth, tongue, lips, and throat after ingesting “cross-reactive” proteins in the foods.
If your child suffers from allergies, it would be wise to encourage them to wash up and change after playing outside. During the height of the allergy season, remind them not to play in open fields or weedy areas. Also, check them carefully for deer ticks after they have been out and about! Here are some other helpful strategies that may reduce the frequency and severity of your family's allergy symptoms.n Avoid overstuffed furniture, shelves, and other dusty surfaces.
n Keep all clothes in closed closets; keep wool clothing in plastic bags.
n Reduce humidity, which is conducive to dust mite growth; avoid using belt-type humidifiers.
n Use washable, synthetic blankets and pillows, and wash bedding frequently.
n Use and store chemicals wisely.n Minimize use of rugs; bare wood or tile floors are best.
n Cover mattress with aired-out plastic or hypo-avoid allergenic cover.
n Vacuum away from people who have allergies to help them avoid dust inhalation.
n Avoid contact with pets and tobacco smoke.
n Correctly ventilate your home.
n Maintain heating and cooling systems, and change filters regularly.
Avoid "hot spots" of mold growth or mold concentration. live plants, dried plants, flowers
basements, closets, bathrooms, shower stalls
clothes dryers, air conditioners, humidifiers
upholstered furniture, garbage pails
Here are some helpful strategies that may reduce the frequency and severity of your family's allergy symptoms.
Allergy symptoms can also be triggered by common household cleaners. You may find these useful alternatives helpful.n Ammonia - in pure form can be used for general cleaning.
n Nonchlorine bleach - use as household or laundry cleaner.
n Baking soda - use for general cleaning and deodorizing.
n Club soda - useful spot remover.
n Beeswax, lemon oil, raw linseed oil, mineral oil, olive oil, paste wax - use to polish furniture.
n Salt - works as a kitchen cleaner; loosens burned-on foods.