Battista, Richard
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Curriculum Sequence & Units
General Music Classes Unit on INSTRUMENT FAMILIES
Gr.K: Identify bv sight and sound with movement, 4 ways instruments
make sounds: Hit, Blow, Strings, Sing.
Identify and play instruments in the Hit (Percussion) family: tambourine, bells, blocks, triangle, sticks and maracas.
Gr.1: Identify bv sight and sound with movement, 4 ways instruments make sounds: Hit, Wind, Strings, Voice.
Identify and play instruments in the Hit (Percussion) family: tambourine, bells, blocks, triangle, sticks and maracas.
Gr.2: Identify bv sight, sound with movement, The Families of Instruments: Percussion, Woodwind, Brasswind, Strings, Voice.
Identify similarities and differences between Families (ex. Woodwind=blow, Brasswind= blow & buzz) and instruments (ex. piano in Percussion & String)
Gr.3: Identify bv sight, sound with movement, The Families of Instruments: Percussion, Woodwind, Brasswind, Strings, Voice
Identify similarities and differences between Families (ex. Woodwind=blow, Brasswind= blow & buzz) and instruments (ex. piano in Percussion & String)
Gr.4: Identify bv sight, sound with movement, The Families of Instruments: Percussion, Woodwind, Brasswind, Strings, Voice and their use in the genres of Music From The Southeast. Compare and contrast genres: Cajun (accordion, fiddle), Bluegrass (banjo, fiddle), Delta Blues (harmonica, fiddle), Dixieland Jazz (trumpet, clarinet, etc.).
Gr.5: Identify bv sight, sound with movement, The Families of Instruments: Percussion, Woodwind, Brasswind, Strings, Voice and their use in the genres of Music From The Southeast. Compare and contrast genres: Cajun (accordion, fiddle), Bluegrass (banjo, fiddle), Delta Blues (harmonica, fiddle), Dixieland Jazz (trumpet, clarinet, etc.).
General Music Classes Unit on Vocal Timbres and Technique
Gr.K&1: Identify singing (< d d d), talking ( <-- -- -- ), whispering (<- - -), shouting (< ---- ---- ----) vocal timbres. Students will sing with proper posture and breath support.
Gr.2&3: Identify singing with heavier and lighter vocal timbres. Students will sing with proper posture and breath support.
LIGHTER less shouting
HEAVIER full shouting
Gr.4&5: Identify changing vocal timbres from heavier “chest voice” to lighter “head voice” when singing. Students will sing with proper posture and breath support.
HEAD VOICE lighter shouting
CHEST VOICE heavier shouting
General Music Classes Unit on THE STEADY BEAT
Gr.K: Identify a same (steady) pattern. Read from notation (.I .I .I .I) notate, move to and perform the steady beat on percussion instruments.
Gr.1: Identify a steady (same) pattern. Read from notation ((.I .I .I .I) notate, move to and perform the steady beat on percussion instruments.
Gr.2: Identify steady beats with “same amount of time in between” in measures of 4 (4 .I .I .I .I / .I .I .I .I). Read from notation, notate, move to and perform the steady beat on percussion instruments.
Gr.3: Identify the steady quarter note in measures (4.I .I .I .I / .I .I .I .I) with “same amount of time in between”. Read from notation, notate, move to and perform the steady beat on percussion instruments.
Gr.4: Identify 'beat note' in time signature with steady beats having “same amount of time in between”
(44 .I .I .I .I / .I .I .I .I). Read from notation, notate in measures with time signature, move to and perform the steady beat on percussion instruments.
Gr.5: Identify different 'beat notes' in time signature with steady beats having “same amount of time in between”
(44 .I .I .I .I / .I .I .I .I), (68 TTT TTT / TTT TTT) Read from notation, notate in measures with time signature, move to and perform the steady beat on percussion instruments.
General Music Classes Unit on DYNAMICS
Gr.K: Identify, move to and perform soft and loud sounds in music.
Gr.1: Identify, move to and perform soft and loud sounds in music as piano (p) and forte (f).
Gr.2: Identify, move to and perform Dynamics in music -- piano (p,) mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf) and forte (f).
Gr.3: Identify, move to and perform Dynamics in music—pianissimo (pp), piano (p,) mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf,) forte (f) and fortissimo (ff).
Gr.4: Identify, move to and perform Dynamics in music—pianissimo (pp), piano (p,) mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf,) forte (f), fortissimo (ff), crescendo (<) and decrescendo (>).
Gr.5: Identify, move to and perform Dynamics in music—pianissimo (pp), piano (p,) mezzo piano (mp), mezzo forte (mf,) forte (f), fortissimo (ff), crescendo (<) and decrescendo (>).
General Music Classes Unit on TEMPO
Gr.K: Review same (steady) pattern (.I .I .I .I). Identify, move to and perform music with Fast and Slow beats.
Gr.1: Review steady (same) pattern (.I .I .I .I). Identify, move to and perform music with Allegro and Adagio beats.
Gr.2: Review steady beats in measures of 4 (4 .I .I .I .I / .I .I .I .I). Identify smaller and larger amounts of time between beats. Identify, move to and perform music with tempo Allegro, tempo Andante and tempo Largo
Gr.3: Review the steady quarter note in measures (4 .I .I .I .I / .I .I .I .I). Identify walking time and smaller/larger amounts of time between beats. Identify, move to and perform music with Allegro, Andante, Moderato and Largo tempi.
Gr.4: Review beat note' in time signature (44 .I .I .I .I / .I .I .I .I). Identify walking time and varying amounts of time between beats. Identify, move to and perform music with Presto, Allegro, Andante, Moderato, Adagio and Largo tempi.
Gr.5: Review different beat notes in time signature (44 .I .I .I .I),
(68 TTT TTT) . Identify walking time and varying amounts of time between beats. Identify, move to and perform music with Presto, Allegro, Andante, Moderato, Adagio, Largo, Ritardando & Accelerando tempi.
General Music Classes Unit on RHYTHM
Gr. K: Identify sound patterns that are not steady (not the beat). Read from notation, notate, improvise and perform I TT (quarter note/eighth note) rhythms with body movements and on percussion instruments.
Gr. 1: Identify sound patterns that are not steady (not the beat). Read from notation, notate, improvise and perform I TT Z (quarter note/eighth note/rest) rhythms with body movement and on percussion instruments.
Gr. 2: Identify sound patterns that are not steady (not the beat). Read from notation, notate, improvise and perform I TT Z d o (quarter note/eighth note, rests, half note, dotted half note, whole note) rhythms with body movements and on percussion instruments.
Gr. 3: Identify rhythm patterns. Read from notation, notate, improvise and perform I TT Z d o I`I I` (quarter note/eighth note, rests, half note, dotted half note, whole note, eighth-quarter-eighth note) rhythms with body movements and on percussion instruments.
Gr. 4: Identify rhythm patterns. Read from notation, notate, improvise and perform various I TT Z d o I`I I` TTTT (quarter note/eighth note, rests, half note, whole note, eighth-quarter-eighth note, sixteenth note) rhythms with body movements and on percussion instruments.
Gr. 5: Identify rhythm patterns. Read from notation, notate, improvise and perform various I TT Z d o I`I I` TTTT TT. T.T (quarter note/eighth note, rests, half note, whole note, eighth-quarter-eighth note, sixteenth note, sixteenth-dotted eighth & dotted eighth-sixteenth note) rhythms with body movements and on percussion instruments.
General Music Classes Unit on High and Low & 3rd Grade RECORDERS
Gr. K: Identify Hi/Low aurally and visually. Introduce “music lines”. Read from notation, notate, sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform on melodic instruments sounds that are Hi and Low.
Gr. 1: Identify Hi/Low aurally and visually. Introduce line & space notes on “music lines”. Read from notation, notate, sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform on melodic instruments sounds that are Hi, Low and the Same.
Gr. 2: Identify Hi/Low aurally and visually. Introduce line & space notes on the staff. Read from notation, notate, sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform on melodic instruments Higher and Lower direction of sounds.
Gr. 3: Introduction and beginning Recorder techniques; including proper playing position, sound production and fingerings. Identify line & space notes on the staff, the musical alphabet from <A to G> and the G clef. Perform aurally and read from notation B-A and G.
Gr. 4: Review Hi/Low aurally and visually. Review line & space notes on the staff. Read from notation, notate, sing with Kodaly hand signs and perform on melodic instruments same, step, skip and leap pitch Intervals.
Gr. 5: Review Hi/Low aurally and visually. Review line & space notes on the Grand Staff. Read from notation, notate, sing with Kodaly hand signs and perform on melodic instruments same, step, skip and leap (unison, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. 6th , 7th & octave) pitch Intervals.
General Music Classes Unit on Reading Music Notation & 3rd Grade RECORDERS
Gr. K: Identify and notate notes on music lines and the musical alphabet from A to G. Sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform melody & accompaniments on Orff instruments from notated music.
Gr. 1: Identify and notate line & space notes on the music lines and the musical alphabet from A to G. Sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform melody & accompaniments on Orff instruments from notated music.
Gr. 2: Identify and notate line & space notes on the staff, the musical alphabet from <A to G> and the G clef. Sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform melody & accompaniments on Orff instruments from notated music.
Gr. 3: Continued mastery of Recorder techniques (proper playing position, sound production and fingerings). Performing songs from notation with accompaniments, performing rhythmic and melodic variations of songs and improvising to accompaniments.
Gr. 4: Identify and notate line & space notes on the Grand Staff, the musical alphabet from <A to G> and the G & F clefs. Sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform melody & accompaniments on Orff instruments from notated music.
Gr. 5: Identify and notate line & space notes on the Grand Staff, the musical alphabet from <A to G> and the G & F & C clefs. Sing with Kodaly hand signs, move to and perform melody & accompaniments on Orff instruments from notated music.
General Music Classes Unit on Creating And Composing Music & 3rd Grade RECORDERS
Gr. K: Improvise quarter note, eighth note, so-mi phrases on Orff instruments. Music phrases are then composed and notated. Composed phrases are then assembled into one “work” identifying structure of AB form. Students perform “compositions” on Orff instruments.
Gr. 1: Improvise quarter note, eighth note, rest, so-mi-la phrases on Orff instruments. Music phrases are then composed and notated. Composed phrases are then assembled into one “work” identifying structure of AB form. Students perform “compositions” on Orff instruments.
Gr. 2: Improvise quarter note, eighth note, rest, half note, so-mi-la-do phrases on Orff instruments. Music phrases are then composed and notated. Composed phrases are then assembled into one “work” identifying structure of ABA form. Students perform “compositions” on Orff instruments.
Gr. 3: Improvise quarter note, eighth note, rest, half/whole notes, B-A-G phrases on the recorder. Music phrases are then composed and notated. Composed phrases are then assembled into one “work” identifying structure of ABA form. Students perform “compositions” on recorders.
Gr. 4: Improvise quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note, rests, half/whole notes, so-mi-la-do-re-ti phrases on Orff instruments. Music phrases are then composed and notated. Composed phrases are then assembled into one “work” identifying structure of Rondo form. Students perform “compositions” Orff instruments.
Gr. 5: Improvise quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note, dotted eighth/sixteenth combinations, rests, half/whole notes, so-mi-la-do-re-ti-fa phrases on Orff instruments. Music phrases are then composed and notated. Composed phrases are then assembled into one “work” identifying structure of Rondo form. Students perform “compositions” Orff instruments.
General Music Classes Unit on Identifying and Performing Music From Different Cultures
Gr. K: Listen and move to music from the Latino culture and Spanish speaking countries. Introduction of Folk Songs. Translate and pronounce Spanish words to songs. Learn songs and sing in Spanish. Play circle game from the Latino culture.
Gr. 1: Listen and move to music from the Latino culture and Spanish speaking countries. Identify Folk Songs. Translate and pronounce Spanish words to songs. Learn songs and sing in Spanish. Play circle game from the Latino culture.
Gr. 2: Listen and move to music from the Latino culture and Spanish speaking countries. Identify Folk Songs. Translate and pronounce Spanish & French words to songs. Learn songs and sing in Spanish & French. Perform songs in Round form.
Gr. 3: Listen and move to music from the Latino culture and Spanish speaking countries. Identify Folk Songs. Learn and perform songs from the Latino culture to authentic accompaniments on the recorder.
Gr. 4: : Listen and move to music from the Latino culture and Spanish speaking countries. Identify Folk Songs. Translate and pronounce Spanish words to songs. Learn songs and sing in Spanish. Perform songs with 2 part singing.
Gr. 5: Listen and move to music from the Latino culture and Spanish speaking countries. Identify Folk Songs. Translate and pronounce Spanish words to songs. Learn songs and sing in Spanish. Perform songs with 2 part singing.
In general music classes, students will listen to, move to, play music games and sing songs from Hispanic cultures. They will be Introduced to Folk Songs from Spanish speaking countries, translate and pronounce the lyrics and sing in Spanish.
General Music Classes Unit on Patriotic Music & 3rd Grade RECORDERS
Gr. K: Listen, move to and perform Patriotic music. Identify elements of origin, historical context and present-day connections at the Kindergarten level. Students will sing Patriotic songs with proper vocal posture, technique and intonation.
Gr. 1: Listen, move to and perform Patriotic music. Identify elements of origin, historical context and present-day connections at the First Grade level. Students will sing Patriotic songs with proper vocal posture, technique and intonation.
Gr. 2: Listen, move to and perform Patriotic music. Identify elements of origin, historical context and present-day connections at the Second Grade level. Students will sing Patriotic songs in 2 parts with an ostinato using proper vocal posture, technique and intonation.
Gr. 3: Listen, move to and perform Patriotic music. Identify elements of origin, historical context and present-day connections at the Third Grade level. Students will play Patriotic songs on the recorder with proper posture and tone.
Gr. 4: Listen, move to and perform Patriotic music. Identify elements of origin, historical context and present-day connections at the Fourth Grade level. Students will sing Patriotic songs in 2 part harmony using proper vocal posture, technique and intonation.
Gr. 5: Listen, move to and perform Patriotic music. Identify elements of origin, historical context and present-day connections at the Fifth Grade level. Students will sing Patriotic songs in 2 part harmony using proper vocal posture, technique and intonation.
General Music Classes Unit on Sound Carpets
Gr. K: Read One Hundred Hungry Ants. Students create ‘background’ music to story using grade level music elements learned throughout school year (instrument sounds, rhythm, melody, dynamics, etc.). Students perform musical ‘soundtrack’ as story is read.
Gr. 1: Read and listen to excerpts from Prokofiev’s Peter And The Wolf. Like the composition, students give each character in story a ‘sound’ using grade level instruments and music elements learned throughout school year (instrument sounds, rhythm, melody, dynamics, etc.). Students perform musical ‘soundtrack’ as story is read.
Gr. 2: Read Peer Gynt and listen to excerpts from Grieg’s composition. Students create ‘program’ music to story using grade level music elements learned throughout school year (instrument sounds, rhythm, melody, dynamics, etc.). Students perform musical ‘soundtrack’ as story is read.
Gr. 3: Read A Night On Bare (Bald) Mountain and listen to excerpts from Mussorgsky’s tone poem. Students create ‘program’ music to story using grade level music elements learned throughout school year (Recorder & instrument sounds, rhythm, melody, dynamics, etc.). Students perform musical ‘soundtrack’ as story is read.
Gr. 4: Read Joey The Clown (The Comedians) and listen to excerpts from Kabalevsky’s incidental music. Students create ‘program’ music to story using grade level music elements learned throughout school year (instrument sounds, rhythm, melody, dynamics, etc.). Students perform musical ‘soundtrack’ as story is read.
Gr. 5: Read William Tell and listen to excerpts from Rossini’s opera overture. Students create ‘program’ music to story using grade level music elements learned throughout school year (instrument sounds, rhythm, melody, dynamics, etc.). Students perform musical ‘soundtrack’ as story is read.