We All Belong
       Welcome Back to School!!
     We All Belong! We Fly Together!
    Contact Information 
    Mrs. Christine Siti
    973-535-800 ext: 8351
    Click below for elementary school counseling information!
    When to Contact the School Counselor?
    • Parents may want to contact the School Counselor if:
      • Your child doesn't want to go to school in the morning.
      • Your child keeps telling you he/she doesn't have any friends. 
      • Your family situation is changing or there are stressors at home that you'd like to share confidentially. 
      • Your child seems frustrated in school with academics, peer interactions or following school routines. 
      • There has been a recent death or illness in the family.
      • You would like referrals to mental health providers or community resources.
      • Any other issue or concern about which you or your child may want support or guidance.
    • Students may want to contact the School Counselor if:
      • He/she is having trouble with a friend and needs help resolving a conflict.  
      • He/she feels targeted by others and isn't sure how to handle it. 
      • He/she wants someone to talk to who will listen.
      • He/she is having trouble with schoolwork or with a teacher and doesn't know how to get help or address the problem with the adult.
      • He/she needs help with managing their feelings about changes in their relationships with family, friends and with themselves.  
        "Look for the helpers.You will always find people who are helping."                                                               
      Fred Rogers
Last Modified on September 12, 2022