- Harrison Elementary School
- Daily Homework
HomeworkSeptember 9, 2021Please remember to clean out your folder. All corrected homework and notices can stay at home.
- Reading: Rory's Wait reading & questions, Reading Life Poster (see below)
- Math: Math Buzz
Dear Fabulous Third Grade Parents,
In order to learn about each other as readers, one of the exciting projects we will be doing this year is a Reading Life Poster. Your child’s teacher has shared their own reading life poster with the class as an example. They were able to learn about what makes reading so special to all of us!
Your child’s assignment over the next two weeks is to create a collage on a poster board that introduces themselves as readers.
The Reading Life Poster must include:
- At least 4 all-time favorite books
- At least 3 favorite authors
- At least 2 favorite genres (ex. Realistic Fiction, Biography, Fantasy, Informational Nonfiction)
- At least 2 favorite places to read
- One favorite book that has been read to you
- Anything else that you feel describes you as a reader
We will hang these posters around the classroom. Students will get to know each other as readers who share similarities and differences.
All posters are due Friday, September 24, 2021.
Remember: Creativity is KEY! Feel free to have your child add photographs of themselves reading, places they read, or pictures of favorite authors, books or series.
If you have difficulty acquiring materials for this project, have any questions, or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out.
In partnership,
The Third Grade Team