     Overview of Homework Expectations
    Reading: Students will be expected to read a minimum of 120 minutes over 7-day week (weekends included). The amount of time each night will be recorded on a Reading Logs and should be returned with a parent/guardian signature every Monday. Students take the time to pick appropriate leveled, Just-Right books, so it is important for the students to bring the books back with them to school so they can continue reading throughout the school day. Along with the daily Reading Log, students may be asked to bring home their Reading Notebooks or Guided Reading materials to complete a journal entry or practice a new strategy. Students may also be assigned reading responses through Google Classroom. 
    Writing: At certain points in the writing process, the students may be asked to bring home their Writing Notebooks to continue working on a specific writing assignment. Please remember that we follow a process when we are writing in class, so I do not expect you to make any corrections to your child's writing piece. There will be ample time for the students to revise and edit their writing pieces in class. Instead, take the opportunity to see, listen to, or read your child's writing and watch the development of a talented young writer!
    Math: Every night, the students will be assigned a worksheet to complete in order to reinforce the lesson from that day. We will start out the next day's lesson by taking a few minutes to correct  and review the homework together in a way to bridge to the next topic. These nightly assignments are not meant to be a challenge. The purpose is to reinforce and practice. If you notice your child is really struggling with the work, please bring it to my attention so I can take the time to work with him/her the following day in class. 
    Science/Social StudiesHomework in these subjects will depend on what has been finished in class AND/OR there is an upcoming assessment, where they will be expected to review using a working study guide. 
    ***Students will be assigned homework every night, except for weekends and holidays, and they will be expected to write their assignments down as well as bring home all the appropriate materials expected to complete the homework. Homework will be checked every day and it is to be completed in full and on time. Please remember that this is meant to represent the practice that you are doing outside of the classroom, so please make sure your work is neat and completed thoughtfully!*** 
Last Modified on September 27, 2021