
1st grade Scope and Sequence ELA

  • Multi sensory instruction in decoding and phonemic awareness will be provided daily.  Students will also be working on Red Words (sight words) weekly in a multisensory way. In addition, students will be participating in shared reading and guided reading to foster fluency and automaticity of reading as well as comprehension. Students will be focusing on letter sound/ symbol relationships. They will be participating a a variety of multi- sensory activities to promote phonemic awareness and beginning reading strategies. In addition, students will focus on build the strategies that good readers utilize when reading. 

    Students will bring home reading bags nightly with words to review along with copies books or passages to read. Please read and record your child's reading on their R.E.D reading log folder nightly. 


    Kindergarten Reading Scope and Sequence 

     September/ October: “We are Readers Exploring: Launching and Foundations”

    November/ December:“Read, Think, and Talk About Emergent Story Books”

    January: “Reading Pattern Books”

    February/ March : “Tackling Tricky Words” 

    April: “Reading for Information”  Non fiction reading 

    May/ June: “Authors As Mentors-Craft and Purpose”


    1st Grade Reading Scope and Sequence:

     Sept/ Oct: "Readers Build Good Habits"

    November/ December: "We are Word Detectives"


    January/ Febuary: "Nonfiction Readers Learn about the World"


    March/ April: "Getting to Know Characters in Books"


    May/ June: "Reading Realistic Fiction Book Clubs"


    Reading Poetry will be done throughout the year in weekly fluency passages. 



    1st Grade Writing Scope and Sequence:

    Sept- "The Writing Community: Getting Ideas"

    Oct/Nov: "Whos your favorite Mentor of All"  using mentor texts as a model

    Dec-Jan-Feb- "Informational Writing" Ask the Expert!

    Feb-March- "Opinion Writing" 

    April/ May-"Informational Writing" 2nd time

    "Writing Poetry"


Last Modified on September 1, 2020