    5K Run - Map and Running Directions
    The 5K Run has been certified by the United States Track & Field Association. 
    Effective 5/27/2010 to 12/31/2020
    All directions are given relative to the running direction. 
    Start:  Robert Harp Drive before Madonna Drive, 33 feet east of (before) the storm drain on the right in the road.
    Mile 1:  On Belmont Drive, at front door of house #26 on left.
    Turnaround:  On Belmont Drive, 7 feet past (east) of the utility pole 62729LVT on the left (east side) of the road.
    Mile 2:  On Belmont Drive, just after the turn from Taconic Parkway, 2 feet before unmarked utility pole on the right for wire drop to house #14 on the corner of Taconic Parkway and Belmont Drive.
    Mile 3:  On grass between parking lot and Livingston High School track, 13.5 feet after storm drain in grass.
    Finish:  On Livingston High School track on lanes 1-8 at southwest end of track.
    At the start, runners run completely around Robert Harp Drive going past the start to exit on Wahler Road.  Runners pass the first mile mark before turning around on Belmont Drive (see map below).  When runners reach the path for Hillside Elementary School, they will keep the school on their left and exit onto Belmont Drive.  Runners will then turn right onto South Ashby Avenue and enter the park crossing the footbridge and run half way around the pond in a clockwise direction turning right after passing the small building.  Runners stay on the path to enter the parking lot.  They will run across the parking lot and the grass using the shortest distance to the track finishing on the track straightaway.
    To download this map, click here.