• Here are some first grade sight words.  Practice reading them!

    a                             look                 all                can           got
    and                         me                   am               come         had
    at                           mom                 an                day           has
    dad                         my                   are              did            have
    go                           no                    as                do              he
    I                             see                  at                for            her
    in                            the                  be               from          here
    is                            to                    big               get            his
    it                            we                   but              going          him
    like                         up                   by                good           if
    into                        just                 let               little          make
    not                         of                    on                one            said
    she                         so                    some            that            this
    two                        was                  went           were            will
    with                       you                   your            us               very
Last Modified on July 22, 2022