    Bringing a Modern Family to Livingston


    September 22, 2015 - Livingston, NJ – ABC’s Modern Family has been described as an American television “mockumentary” with an award-winning cast of characters that represent the diversity of America in one family and set in the suburbs as they come together to share their stories…speaking frequently directly to the audience. The Livingston Education Foundation (LEF) will bring its own version of the modern family to Livingston on Thursday, October 15, 2015 as part of the Sixth Annual Homecoming Weekend, Livingston High School Hall of Fame. Coming home to the suburbs of Livingston, four distinguished LHS alumni will represent diverse fields of endeavor and will meet with both students and community members to tell stories traced back to their roots in the Livingston Public Schools that formed the foundation for each of their individual current accomplishments and achievements. 

    ABC’s Modern Family five-time Emmy Award-winning writer and producer, Danny Zuker, (LHS ’82), will be one of those honorees on October 15 sharing accounts of his experiences working as a stand-up comedian, on his first job as a PA for the Howard Stern’s late night talk show for Fox and in various capacities on TV shows, including, Arsenio Hall Show, 43rd Annual Emmy Awards, Roseanne, Grace Under Fire, Just Shoot Me, Off Centre, The Men’s Room, The Unusuals and of course, Modern Family. “In fact, the official bio Danny sent to us was quite entertaining and had our Hall of Fame Committee members laughing out loud”, said Heidi Cislo, LEF President. She continued, “It is worth a visit to the LEF website to read and find out more about Danny, all of our honorees and the event.”
    Joining Mr. Zuker on Thursday, October 15 as alumni Hall of Fame inductees are Jodie (Pearlman) Gunzberg, (LHS ’92), current global head of commodities at S&P Dow Jones Indices; Ronnie Spring, (LHS ’89), educator and current Vice President of the Livingston Board of Education; and Dr. Martha E. Vincent, (LHS ’71), VP of Development at Agensys integrating toxicology and pharmacology to initiate studies leading to clinical trials for the treatment of solid tumors and hematologic cancers.
    “LEAD Award recipients Ken Losi, who served as a LHS teacher of Biological Sciences and who was instrumental in establishing and serving as Director for the Alternative School Program; and Dr. John Rowley, who served as a LPS teacher and administrator as well as mayor in Livingston, will be recognized along with our distinguished alumni at the LHS Hall of Fame Reception hosted by LEF at the Wilshire Caterers in West Orange from 5:00 pm to 9:00 p.m.”, noted Amy Saffer, (LHS ’68), retired LHS teacher, past Hall of Fame inductee and Co-chair of the LEF Hall of Fame Committee.

    LEF invites the public to join in celebration of education and all of the honorees at the Sixth Annual Livingston High School Hall of Fame Reception. Click here for the required Reservation Form to the Thursday, October 15 Hall of Fame event at The Wilshire Caterers in West Orange from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and the ‘Roll of Honor’ form to send a message to the honorees. Inquiries can be made at lef@livingston.org or call (973) 535-8000, x8898.