Early Dismissal Procedures
In the event of an early closing, the parent/caregiver will receive a call. Early closing information will also be on Channel 34 and the district’s website, www.livingston.org.
For the safety of all students and in the interest of maintaining order, please wait until the 12:15 p.m. dismissal to pick up your child at the designated area.
Please send a note if you would like to give permission for your child to walk home.
As a reminder there is no extended day coverage when there is an emergency/early dismissal, and there will be no lunch period. Students will have snack in their classrooms.
Children whose parents/caregivers have not been contacted will be instructed to remain in the building until such contact is made.
Students will be dismissed through following doors:
- Door #9: Kindergarten and 1st grade
- Door #7 - Grades 2 and 3
- Door #6 - Grades 4 and 5
Children will be escorted by faculty/staff onto the blacktop and will wait at the doors to ensure that no child is left. Children will be instructed to return to the building through the main office doors if a parent/caregiver has not arrived as anticipated. Although we will be speaking with the children regarding this process, it is important that you review with them some important facts including:
A. Will they walk home or will someone pick them up?
B. Who will pick them up?
C. Where should they meet that person?