Marshall, Bridget
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- Hillside Elementary School
- Homework
Homework will be assigned every night, except on Fridays and special occasions. Homework assignments are expected to be neat and represent the student's best effort. Here's what to expect:Reading: Students should read for a minimum of 30 minutes a night in their "just-right" books. Reading should be logged nightly. These texts should return to school daily, so they may continue reading during the independent reading block. Reading logs should be returned with a parent signature, on Monday morning. This allows for "catch up time" if Friday night is busy!*It's important to read EVERY night to make reading progress and to build our stamina.Writing: Most writing is done in school. If a student misses class, they may be asked to catch up on their classwork.Word Study: Typically, students come home with a personalized spelling list on Monday. Their list contains 10 words from their word sort, 3 non-negotiable words and 2 core words. They are tested on their list on Fridays. The word study list can be found on the back of their reading log. We have a notebook of spelling assessments in school. We will not assign a spelling list when there is a shortened week.Math: Typically, Mrs. Gribbon assigns work to reinforce the day's lesson. Students will be given study guides in advance for quizzes and tests.Social Studies/Science: Usually, students do not have Social Studies and Science homework, unless they are preparing for an activity or completing a project. If a student misses class, they may be asked to catch up on their classwork.Classroom resources and assignments will be posted to each content area's Google classroom.
Last Modified on August 30, 2022