
       2ND GRADE



       2ND GRADE



    ·         Jumps & lands with different positions.

    ·         Jumps a self-turned rope continuously.

    ·         Travels backward & changes direction quickly.

    ·         Gallops, slides, & leaps with mature pattern (15 ft.).

    ·         Travels changing speed, direction & pattern to rhythm and/or music.

    ·         Moves fast & slow at levels.

    ·         Moves body or parts as a whole or in isolation (through range of motion).






    ·         Kicks a moving ball with instep.

    ·         Throws hard, showing opposition with overhand form to target 10 ft. away.

    ·         Catches a gently thrown “soft” ball with proper hand positioning.

    ·         Dribbles (w/hands & feet) 30 ft. without losing control.

    ·         Strikes ball (off cone/tee) with a bat using proper grip & side orientation.

    ·         Rolls playground ball 15 ft. from side & stepping with opposition.










    ·         Manages body weight climbing rope 6 ft. (heel high).

    ·         Travel (F/B/S) & balance on beam in symmetrical & asymmetrical position.

    ·         Seal walks in front support position (18 ft.).

    ·         Forward roll 2x without stopping.

    ·         Backward roll smoothly (wedge mat).

    ·         Move feet to high level by placing weight on hands & land w/control (donkey kick, pinwheel, cartwheel).


    ·         Runs 200 yards with a mature pattern.

    ·         Long jumps with a mature pattern.

    ·         Performs a flexed arm hang for 6 seconds.

    ·         Performs 20 unanchored curl-ups.






    ·         Safely participates in physical activity.

    ·         Demonstrates dodging & tagging skills.

    ·         Demonstrates strong & light force in rhythmic activities.

    ·         Names 3 of 5 health-related fitness components.

    ·         Identifies feelings that come from participating with others or alone in physical activity.







       3RD GRADE



       3RD GRADE



    ·         Jumps individual rope (medium/fast speed).

    ·         Performs activities with bilateral coordination.

    ·         Skips, gallops, slides & leaps to music with a mature pattern.

    ·         Simple partner dance activities to music.

    ·         Performs mirroring steps with a partner to music.

    ·         Develops patterns of movement into repeatable sequences.






    ·         Kicks using in-step with proper form (15 ft.).

    ·         Throws hard, showing opposition with overhand form a distance of 15 ft.

    ·         Catches a playground ball from 10 ft. away (absorbs force & moves to ball).

    ·         Dribbles (with hands/feet) 50 ft. around cones, maintaining control.

    ·         Strikes a self-bounded or suspended ball using a short handled implement with proper form.










    ·         Manages body weight climbing rope 9 ft. (heel high).

    ·         Front scale on balance beam.

    ·         Inverted balance (3 pt. tripod).

    ·         Performs rotational skills at different levels

                    (pinwheel, cartwheel, round-off).


    ·         Half mile run/walk.

    ·         Performs 30 anchored curl-ups.

    ·         Holds a flexed arm hang position (9 seconds).

    ·         Reaches to heels in V-sit position.






    ·         Describes the 3 functions of the arms in running (balance, speed, stride length).

    ·         Describes a short rhythmic movement sequence (including change in direction & level).

    ·         Describes safety rules in gymnastics.

    ·         Describes basic principle of transfer of body weight.

    ·         Names 3 of 5 health-related fitness components.

    ·         Is considerate of others in physical activity settings.

    ·         Appreciates the differences/similarities in physical performance amongst others.







Last Modified on January 29, 2008