
    4TH  GRADE



    4TH  GRADE



    ·         Enter/exit long rope turned by others.

    ·         Combine movements into repeatable patterns.

    ·         Regularly participate in physical activity to improve skill performance.

    ·         Perform movement skills by applying movement concepts.

    ·         Perform a basic circle dance keeping time & sequence.

    ·         Design dance sequences that are personally interesting.






    ·         Kick a ball 30 ft. using a mature motor pattern.

    ·         Throw a variety of balls 20 ft. for accuracy & using a mature motor pattern.

    ·         Catch a ball while traveling using a mature motor pattern.

    ·         Dribble (w/hands & feet) & maintain control while traveling in a group.

    ·         Strikes ball (off cone/tee) with a bat using proper grip & side orientation.

    ·         Strikes a softly thrown ball w/body parts & implements using proper form. 










    ·         Assisted inverted balance.

    ·         Climb rope to top.

    ·         Rotational skill on apparatus.

    ·         Roll backward to feet without hesitation.

    ·         Transfer weight from feet to hands using large extensions & 4 count step action (cartwheel).

    ·         Design an original tumbling routine.


    ·         President’s challenge physical fitness test.

    ·         Score 50% or higher on 3 of 5 fitness tests.







    ·         Identify ways movement concepts can be used to refine movement skills.

    ·         Describe 2 different dance formations.

    ·         Respect persons from different backgrounds & the cultural significance they attribute to various dances.

    ·         Define offense & defense.

    ·         Exhibit sportsmanship in a lead-up game activity.

    ·         Explain changes in the body during physical activity (cardiorespiratory endurance).

    ·         Identify fitness components above 50%.

    ·         Name an exercise/activity to improve fitness.







    5TH  GRADE






    ·         Performs individual jump rope stunts.

    ·         Mirror specific complex motor patterns.

    ·         Demonstrate proper warm-up & cool down techniques.

    ·         Performs a self-designed dance sequence into a smooth flowing routine.

    ·         Recognizes the roll of dance in understanding like & different cultures.






    ·         Throw a variety of objects demonstrating both accuracy & distance appropriate to developmental level.

    ·         Consistently catch a variety of objects while moving in a group.

    ·         Consistently strikes an object in an intended direction using various body parts & implements.









    ·         Performs hang & pike on ropes.

    ·         Support weight & travel on apparatus.

    ·         Travel over vaulting equipment.

    ·         Perform an inverted stationary balance.

    ·         Diving forward roll to a stand.

    ·         Design & perform an original tumbling & dance routine.


    ·         President’s challenge physical fitness test.

    ·         Score 50% or higher on 3 of 5 fitness tests.






    ·         Analyze & correct errors in a partner’s movement pattern.

    ·         Describe the principle of protecting the ball while dribbling.

    ·         Describe ways to use the body in rhythmic movement activities to show ideas/feelings.

    ·         Explain changes in body during physical activity (cardiorespiratory endurance & muscular strength).

    ·         Identify fitness components above 50%.

    ·         Name an exercise/activity to improve a specific component of fitness.

    ·         Responds cooperatively to decisions made by student leaders & teachers.

    ·         Recognizes that time & effort are necessary for skill improvement.







Last Modified on January 30, 2008