Our Public Schools - One of Livingston's Greatest AssetsThrough a relationship of mutual support between school and community, the Township of Livingston has a long standing tradition of providing opportunities for all students which will allow them to meet their full potential as life-long learners and contributing members of society and the global workforce. Livingston values the public schools as one of its greatest assets.Many of our alumni stay or move back to Livingston to raise their families. Long standing residents and grandparents continue to live in town to support the educational process as well as to give back to a community that allowed them to be successful parents and role models for the future while serving as the current leaders of our community today.As a result, Livingston has drawn new residents that value education and support an economic climate that maintains professional, leisure and commercial businesses.Because Livingston is a community that believes in maintaining its educational facilities as a safe environment conducive to educational growth, the township is able to share in the use of these resources. The Livingston Public Schools provides for township recreational programs and private leagues on their many athletic fields. It provides auditoriums where the Livingston Symphony Orchestra, the Children's Theatre of Livingston, private dance studios and non-profit organization participants have a venue to practice and perform. Livingston Public Schools partners with the YMCA to house an Extended-Day Program for the care of children of working parents. It provides for cultural diversity by housing two distinct Chinese Schools and venues for multicultural and diversity programming as well as for our adult learners by housing self-maintaining Adult School classes. Senior Citizens are invited to participate as volunteers in Listen to the Children and enjoy the various school performing arts programs including theatre, band, orchestra and chorus. Livingston citizens benefit from the public schools as one of its greatest assets.When the community opens its arms to providing opportunities for student volunteerism, the public school district is given opportunities to teach through service ways to participate in the care of all citizens, including the elderly and of those who are less fortunate. School partnerships with community and youth organizations such as HCHY and LYCS allow our children and the township to thrive.A continued mutual commitment between school and community to make available opportunities for educational success and advancement insures that Livingston will remain a place of distinction, producing world-class leaders in the sciences, arts, politics, communications and business.As a vehicle for long-term investment, the Livingston Education Foundation assures well-designed strategies that will nurture school-community partnerships for revenue generation and shared resources and will secure our public schools as one of Livingston's greatest assets!