• Telethon Planning Committee
    Members of the Livingston High School TV Telethon Planning Committee are preparing for the LHS TV Telethon which will raise funds to keep the TV Program at LHS industry standard. The 13 hour live telethon will feature musical entertainment, comedians and interviews with students and faculty spanning the past 30 years. The telethon will be broadcast live on Comcast 34/Fios 26 and streamed live on the internet via LiveStream on June 7th from 11 AM to Midnight.
     LPS telethon
    Front Row (L-R): Samantha Waldenberg, Rachael Richard, Jon Aronoff
    Back Row (L-R): TV Teacher Jason Daily, Frank Sheehan, Ryan Barckley, Heidi Cislo, Sharon Cimbol, and TV Teacher Steve Milano