• Welcome



    Dear Parent/Guardian,


    Welcome to First Grade!  This year promises to be filled with new educational experiences that will foster curiosity and an excitement for learning.  I am eager to work with you and your first grader as we begin what could be the most important year in early childhood.  I have prepared many interesting projects and activities, which will encourage your child to read, write, and solve problems across the curriculum.

          I firmly believe that teacher communication is key to success. I encourage you to email me (kmurray@livingston.org) or send in a note with your child if you have any questions or concerns. I will also keep you updated with what is going on in the classroom using Class Dojo. This is a private site that is only accessible to the parents of students in our class. I will post pictures and/or notes showing what we are learning. I ask that parents do not download or share these photos with anyone. On the information sheet, I have added an option for you to let me know if you allow your child’s picture to be put on Class Dojo. Please click here to sign up and login to our Class Dojo site.  I have found this to be an invaluable resource for parents that allows them to be a part of their child’s day!  

    In order to ensure your child’s safety after school, I ask that the adult accompanying your child home please wait at the Kindergarten door (Door # 9). If your child is going home with someone other than the person you indicated on the school form, please send me an email (and copy the main office) informing me of who will be taking your child home that day. Your child will not be permitted to go with any other adult without a written note.

     Please be sure your first grader has a snack and either brings or buys a lunch every day.  On the following pages, you will find the first grade supply list as well as some useful information and an important questionnaire to fill out about your child. The only supplies needed for the first day of school (if you did not purchase supplies through the PTA) are crayons, a pair of scissors, and pencil box that are labeled with your child’s name.  Please do not send in any other supplies on the first day of school as it can be overwhelming for the children.  If you purchased supplies from the PTA, they will be delivered to our classroom. Please send in all other supplies on September 6th. Enjoy the last few days of summer. I look forward to meeting you soon!


    All the best,

    Mrs. Kristen Murray

    Click here to download the complete Welcome Packet


Last Modified on August 30, 2022