- Hillside Elementary School
- Helpful Information
Helpful Information
Backpacks: Your child will need a backpack to carry their snack, Take Home Folder, and book baggies. Please be sure it is of adequate size and your child is familiar with zipping and unzipping it.
Extra Clothes: Please provide extra clothes for your child to use in case of emergency. You can keep the clothes in a bag labeled with their name, to be kept in their backpack everyday throughout the year.
Sneakers: Please have your child wear sneakers on gym days (I will send home a copy of the special schedule and it will also be posted on my website).
Snacks: Please send in a healthy morning snack that your child enjoys and can open independently. Please be sure your child’s snack bag is labeled with their name.
Absences: Use the Genesis portal to report absences.
Smocks: Please send in an old, large T-shirt for your child to use as a smock. Remember to print your child’s name on it and practice putting it on and taking it off independently.
Birthdays: You may send in party invitations only if you are inviting the whole class. Birthdays will not be celebrated in school with food, however, you may send in a small token item such as pencils, erasers, or stickers. You may also choose to donate a book to the classroom library instead or send in a book to be read aloud that day. In addition, if you would like, you can send in a book that the children and I can sign for your child to have as a keepsake from 1st grade!
- Take Home Folders: Take Home folders will be sent home on the 1st day of school and will come home Monday-Friday. Students are instructed to take their papers and put them into their folder at the end of the day. Please check the folders nightly for important notes, student work, and homework and empty the folder before returning it to school each day.