• May Update...
    This month in Reading Workshop we are continuing to work with our Realistic Fiction books. We are noticing the characters and paying attention to problems and solutions. We are continuing to learn ways to make connections and retell story events. 
    In Writing Workshop, we are continuing to write informational text. We will also learn to write How-To books about a topic we are an expert in.

    In math we are working in our Addition and Subtraction with numbers to 100 Unit. We will learn strategies to add and subtract with and without regrouping, such as using a place value chart and base tens blocks. 


    In Science, we are exploring habitats and the animals and plant life that live there. We will be exploring the pond and wetland habitats and observing our tadpoles as they change and grow into frogs.


    Social Studies:

     In Social Studies we are continuing to learn about map skills and how to read a map. We will also learn about famous American symbols that represent our country.

Last Modified on April 27, 2023