Basic Movement - Rhythm & Dance (September - June)

    Travel general space

    Demonstrate concept of fast and slow while traveling

    Start and stop on signal

    Knows basic safety rules

    States rules for equipment and playground

    Jump with 2 feet: take off and landing

    Walk / Run mature pattern

    Identifies body parts

    Balance on 1 foot 10 sec R/L

    Hop 5 times consecutively R/L

    Jump Rope: jumping or stepping over rope 5X

    Understands Personal and General space

    Understands: High-Medium-Low

    Distinguishes between various pathways

    Makes large and small body shapes when traveling

    Identifies selected skills and movement concepts


    Manipulative (November, December, March – June)

    Roll: 10ft to target with 1hand

    Drop & Catch to self 5 X

    Dribble a ball 5X*

    Toss a bean bag 6ft to target with opposition*

    Catch a bean bag 2/3 X

    Throw a ball 10’ 3 X to target by turn to side & step

    Kick ball with step

    Bat ball with hand 3 times side/step/rotation

    Understands the need for practice


    Gymnastics (January & February)

    Walking board:  Forward/Right Sideways /Left Sideways

    Crabwalk 10ft  F/B

    Pencil Roll  10ft (layout position)

    Egg Roll 10ft  (tuck position)*

    Seal walk 6ft*

    Forward Roll*

    Donkey Kick on box with feet hand height*

    Pinwheel: basic transfer of weight using boxes*

    Vault- jumping and landing from height of 2ft


    Fitness Testing to demonstrate improvement (November-pre & May-post)

    Long Sit
    Good Mornings





    Basic Movement - Rhythm & Dance (September - June)

    Walk / Run



    Jump with 2 feet take off and landing:  Forward-Backward-Sideways




    Ascend/Descend Stairs

    Chasing & Fleeing skills

    Travel sideways in a large group

    Balance on 1 foot 15sec R / L

    Travel to beat of music

    Manipulate objects to music

    Perform mirroring to music with partner

    Travel: demonstrate variety of relationships with objects

    Form body shapes while travel in pathways

    Understands basic safety rules

    Jump Rope basic styles 20X

    Enjoys participation alone and with others


    Manipulative (November, December, March – June)

    Roll 15ft to target with 1hand & 2 hand

    Dribble a ball 10X consecutively

    Toss bean bag 10ft to target accurately

    Catch a bean bag 4/5 X

    Throw a ball 10’ 2/3X with opposition

    Kick ball using instep with step

    Bat ball off tee 2/3X


    Gymnastics (January & February)

    Crabwalk 20ft  F/B

    Pencil Roll sideways 10ft (layout position)

    Egg Roll 10ft  (tuck position)

    Seal walk 12ft

    Forward Roll

    Positions: Lay Out / Tuck / Pike / standing back rocker

    Donkey Kick: on box-feet above hand height

    Pinwheel: transfer of weight using boxes

    Vault- jump and land from height of 2ft

    Beam: Forward/Sideways/Backwards/Balance


    Fitness Testing to demonstrate improvement (November-pre & May-post)

    Flexed arm hang

    V-sit and reach

    Standing Long Jump

    Curl ups

    200yd Run







    Basic Movement - Rhythm & Dance (September - June)






    Travel backward and change direction

    Dodging & tagging skills

    Participates in a safe manner

    Jump & land using combo of take off and land

    Travel- change speed/direction with different rhythms

    Perform mirroring to music with partner*

    Move slow and fast at all three levels

    Move each joint through full range of motion

    Demonstrate strong and light force in rhythmic activities

    Move body as whole or parts in isolation

    Jump self turned rope continuously*


    Manipulative (November, December, March – June)

    Roll 20ft to target using 2 hands with opposition

    Dribble a ball 30ft with hands

    Toss a soft ball 15ft to target accurately*

    Catch a soft ball 3/5 X

    Throw a ball 10’ 2/3X with opposition*

    Kick a moving ball using instep with 1 or 2 steps

    Dribble a ball 30ft with feet

    Bat ball off tee 2/3 times with grip/side/rotation


    Gymnastics (January & February)

    Crabwalk 25ft  F/B*

    Pencil Roll sideways 10ft (layout position) *

    Egg Roll 10ft  (tuck position) *

    Seal walk 18ft

    Forward Roll 2X continuously

    Positions: LO/T/P/standing back rocker*

    Backward Roll using wedge

    Donkey Kick on box-feet high level

    Pinwheel/Cartwheel transfer weight at high level

    Vault- jump and land from height of 3ft*

    Beam: Forward dip walk/Sideways (grapevine)/ Backwards dip walk/Balance

    Climb Rope 6ft


    Fitness Testing to demonstrate improvement (November-pre & May-post)

    Flexed arm hang

    V-sit and reach

    Standing Long Jump

    Curl ups

    Push ups*

    200yd Run





    Basic Movement - Rhythm & Dance (September & throughout the year)

    Skip, gallop, slide, leap to music mature patterns

    Right Leap

    Left Leap

    Perform activities with bilateral coordination

    Considerate of others in physical activity settings

    Jump rope continuously (medium & fast speeds)

    Long rope enter*

    Describes 3 functions of arms when running

    Describes principle of transfer of body weight

    Perform mirroring to music with partner

    Simple partner dance to music


    Manipulative (November, December, March – June)

    Dribble a ball 50ft with feet (Soccer)

    Kick a moving ball using instep with 2 steps (Soccer)

    Throwing (Football)*

    Catching while traveling in various patterns (Football)*

    Dribble a ball 50ft with hands (Basketball)

    Strike a ball with hands (Four Square)*

    Strike a ball with forearms- Bump (Volleyball)*

    Strike a ball with fingers- Set (Volleyball)*

    Throw a ball 15’ 2/3X to target with opposition (Baseball)

    Catch ball from distance of 15ft & absorb force (Baseball)

    Bat ball 2/3 times with grip/side/rotation (Baseball)*


    Gymnastics (January & February)

    Forward Roll 2X double*

    Positions: Lay Out / Tuck / Pike / standing back rocker*

    Backward Roll *

    Pinwheel/Cartwheel transfer weight at different levels


    Vault- tuck, flank *

    Beam: Forward dip walk/Sideways grapevine/Backwards/Pivot turns/Balance*

    Balance: arabesque / scale

    Climb Rope 9ft

    Support weight while travel on apparatus (whittle)*

    Gymnastics balance beam routine*


    Fitness Testing to demonstrate improvement (November-pre & May-post)

    Pull ups

    Standing Long Jump*

    V-sit and reach

    ½ Mile Run

    Curl ups

    Push ups*

    Identify 3/5 fitness components

    Written fitness test*


    4TH  GRADE


    Basic Movement - Rhythm & Dance (September & throughout the year)

    Leap: right/left*

    Combine movement into repeatable patterns

    Participates in physical activity to improve

    Identify ways movement concepts can refine skills

    Individual/partner jump rope stunts *

    Long rope enter and exit

    Respect different backgrounds and their cultural influence on dance

    Perform dance with group

    Describe 2 dance formations


    Manipulative (November, December, March – June)

    Dribble a ball 50ft travel w group using feet (Soccer)

    Kick a moving ball using instep with 2 steps (Soccer)*

    Throwing (Football)*

    Catching while traveling in various patterns (Football)

    Dribble a ball 50ft travel w group using hands (Basketball)

    Dribble while protecting ball by changing hands (Basketball)

    Strike a ball with hands accurately to partner- (Four Square)

    Strike a ball w forearms to partner- Bump (Volleyball)*

    Strike a ball with fingers to partner- Set (Volleyball)*

    Throw a ball 20’ 2/3X to target age app pattern (Baseball)

    Catch ball from distance of 15ft & absorb force *

    Bat ball 2/3 times with grip/side/rotation (Baseball)*

    Define offense and defense

    Exhibits good sportsmanship in games


    Gymnastics (January & February)

    Forward Roll 2X double smoothly*

    Positions: Lay Out / Tuck / Pike / standing back rocker*

    Backward Roll to feet without hesitation

    Pinwheel/Cartwheel transfer weight at differ levels

    Inverted balance: Tripod-Headstand

    Vault- different body positions- tuck, flank, front *

    Beam: Forward dip walk/Sideways grapevine/Backwards/Pivot turns/Flight skills/Balance*

    Climb Rope 12ft

    Positions on ropes: hang-tuck-pike & skin the cat *

    Support weight while travel on apparatus (whittle)*

    Gymnastics routine


    Fitness Testing for Goal Setting (November-pre & May-post)

    Standing Long Jump*

    V-sit and reach

    Pull ups

    1 Mile Run

    Curl ups

    Push ups

    Explain changes in body during CRE activity

    Score 50% or higher on 3/5 tests

    Identify & describe 50% of components

    Name activities to improve a fitness components

    Written fitness test


    5TH  GRADE


    Basic Movement - Rhythm & Dance (September & throughout the year)

    Leap: right/left*

    Mirror specific complex motor patterns

    Recognize time and effort are necessary for improvement

    Demonstrate proper warm-up & cool down

    Individual/partner jump rope stunts

    Analyze errors in partners movement pattern

    Recognize the role of dance

    Describe ways to use body & rhythm movement express


    Manipulative (November, December, March – June)

    Dribble a ball 50ft travel w group using feet (Soccer) *

    Kick a moving ball using instep with 2 steps (Soccer) *

    Throwing to moving target (Football) *

    Catching while traveling in various patterns (Football)

    Dribble a ball 50ft travel w group using hands *

    Dribble while protecting ball by changing hands & body position (Basketball)

    Strike a ball with heel of hand over net (Volleyball)*

    Strike a ball w forearms to partner- Bump (Volleyball)*

    Strike a ball with fingers to partner- Set (Volleyball)*

    Throw a ball 20’ 2/3X to target age app pattern (Baseball)

    Catch ball from distance of 15ft & absorb force (Baseball)

    Bat ball 2/3 times with grip/side/rotation (Baseball)*

    Define offense and defense

    Exhibits good sportsmanship in games *

    Describe/demonstrate principle of protecting ball when traveling


    Gymnastics (January & February)

    Forward Roll 2X double smoothly

    Positions: LO/T/P/standing back rocker*

    Backward Roll to feet w/o hesitation

    Pinwheel/Cartwheel transfer weight at diff levels

    Inverted balance: Headstand-Handstand

    Vault: different body positions- tuck, flank, front, straddle

    Beam: Forward dip walk/Sideways grapevine/Backwards/Pivot turns/Flight skills/Balance *

    Climb Rope 12ft *

    Positions on ropes: inverted hang-tuck-pike

    Support weight while travel on apparatus (whittle)

    Gymnastics routine


    Fitness Testing for Goal Setting (November-pre & May-post)

    Standing Long Jump*

    V-sit and reach

    Pull ups

    1 Mile Fun Run

    Curl ups

    Push ups

    Explain changes in body during phys activity

    Score 50% or higher on 3/5 tests

    Identify & describe 75% of components

    Responds cooperatively to leader decisions

    Written fitness test

Last Modified on April 29, 2020