Grade 1
1 Binder - 3-ring - Heavy Duty View - 1 inch - Red - Strong - Poetry
1 Binder - 3-ring - Heavy Duty View - 1.5 Inch - Blue - Strong- Scrapbook
1 Boxes Colored Pencils - 12 count Crayola “Twistables” type only
8 Elmer Glue Sticks - Washable
2 Pack of Sticky Notes- 3 x 3 Plain- Yellow
2 Packs of Wipes- Baby Unscented
1 Pack of Wipes - Antibacterial Hand
2 Packs of 24 assorted crayons
1 Pack of Crayola Washable Markers- 8 pack
1 pack pencils - Ticonderoga- Sharpened- No 2- 12 count
2 Dry Erase Markers
2 Pink Pearl Erasers
1 Blue Laminated Paper Folder - (Not plastic, made of cardboard, shiny finish)
1 Yellow Laminated Paper Folder (Not plastic, made of cardboard, shiny finish)