• Reading Strategies

    • To think deeply and read closely so they can read like a detective and make inferences. (Read between the lines)


    • To summarize as they read, and after they read. A good summary can include the major events of the chapter, and how the character reacted to those events, how the character felt, or what the character was thinking. Also, the reader should explain why the character did these things.


    • So far…
    • This is mostly about…
    • I think that…felt…The evidence is…This shows…
    • When…said…this shows…
    • …thinks that…this shows…
    • I know that…The evidence is…This shows…


    Also readers must fix-up their reading is they get confused. This means they need to:

    • Reread sections or the entire chapter
    • Read on to try to figure out what is happening and connect to prior chapters
    • Try to find answers to their questions
    • Read closely and examine lines of text and dialogue
    • Use context clues to try to figure out difficult words


    Answer questions and make new questions.

    • I was able to answer my question that…The evidence is…
    • I need to keep reading to answer my question.
    • A new question I have is…




    Read to confirm or change predictions

    • I predict that…I predict this because the text says…Also, I was thinking that…
    • My prediction isn’t correct because…But now I know that…
    • I can make a new prediction.


    Figure out word meanings. (Start using context clues, dictionary, discuss words with someone else.

    Pay attention to phrases, actions, or events that keep repeating. 

    Why do they repeat?    

    Pay attention to how a character feels and why.

    • I think the character feels…because…The evidence is…

    Pay attention to how a character (feelings) changes throughout the story and why.

    • At first the character was feeling…because…The evidence is…
    • Now the character feels…because…The evidence is…
    • I think that the character changed from…to…because…the evidence is that…

    Pay attention to what a character was thinking and why.

    • The character was thinking that…I think this because…

    Pay attention to how a character reacts to events and why.

    • The character reacted by…this shows that…

    Pay attention to the main character and secondary characters and how they interact with each other, and affect each other. Note those changes and be able to interpret them within the events.

    • The relationship between…and…is… I think this because…The evidence is that…

    Pay attention to the important events within and across chapters. Be able to think deeply about those events and how they affect characters.

    • When…happened, this shows that…

    Pay attention to the important events and think deeply about why the author would include them. What was the author trying to show in the story, and teach the reader?

    • I think the author included…because…
    • The author was trying to show that…I think this because…
    • The author was trying to teach me…I think this because…

    Be able to interpret a sentence, sentences, and dialogue from the story. why did the author include them, what was the author trying to tell us about the characters and events from those lines?

    • When the author used the line(s)…(s)he was trying to…
    • When the author had the character say that…The author was trying to…

    Pay attention to the life lesson the character learns, or we learn as the reader. What lesson does the book teach? What is the theme or message of the text? How did we figure out the lesson or theme? What is the evidence to support your conclusion that the lesson or theme is….? These lines or dialogue are important because…

    Pay attention to why the author would include the following:

    • Character details
    • Setting details
    • Author’s choice of a Title and of Chapter Headings
    • Events: Rising and Falling Action, Climax, Resolution
    • Leads: The various ways to begin a book
    • Endings: The various ways to end a book
    • Mood, Tone, Voice
    • Word Choice, figurative language, metaphors, similes, idioms, exaggeration, personification, proverbs
    • Writing from a point of view
    • Passage of Time: Foreshadowing, flashbacks, parallel story
    • Conflicts: Person against Person, Person Against Nature, Person Against Themselves
    • Irony, symbolism
    • Sensory images
    • Dialogue
    • Theme

    Be able to find (cite) evidence and explain it through discussion and through written response.


Last Modified on September 29, 2015