- Mt. Pleasant Elementary School
- 3rd Grade Math
Math Units:Chapter 1: Place ValueChapter 2: AdditionChapter 3: SubtractionChapter 4: Understand MultiplicationChapter 5: Understand DivisionChapter 6: Multiplication and Division PatternsChapter 7: Multiplication and DivisionChapter 8: Apply Multiplication and DivisionChapter 9: Properties and EquationsChapter 10: FractionsChapter 11: MeasurementChapter 12: Represent and Interpret DataChapter 13: Perimeter and AreaChapter 14: GeometryClick below to go to great sites that help the students practice their basic facts!xtramath.org - plain, straight forward practicehttps://www.abcya.com/games/
clear_it_multiplication - need to clear the screen https://www.abcya.com/games/math_facts_game - can be used add/subt/mult/div https://www.abcya.com/games/math_lines_multiplication - can be used to target specific facts (based on the "target" number for the game)
Last Modified on May 27, 2021