•  Bitmoji Image Homework ~ Week of 6/05/23


    1. 20 minutes of reading 

    2. Math Sheet and get test signed 

    3. Spelling activities 

    4. Charge your computers :) 

    5. Science Homework 



    1. 20 minutes of reading 

    2. Math Sheet and get the test signed 

    3. Spelling activities 

    4. Charge your computers :) 



    1. 20 minutes of reading 

    2. Math Sheet and get test signed 

    3. Spelling activities 

    4. Charge your computers :) 



    1. 20 minutes of reading 

    2. Math Sheet and get test signed 

    3. Spelling activities 

    4. Charge your computers :) 

    5. Don't forget your media books 

Last Modified on June 5, 2023