The health office is located on the first floor in "A" hall near the intersection with "D" hall.
The school nurse should be informed of any medical problems concerning a student such as heart, kidney, orthopedic, surgery, allergies, long-term disabilities, or a change in health status. Contagious diseases should be reported to the school nurse at all times.
The school health program is intended to promote health and prevent illness. The school nurse will assess and evaluate the health and developmental status of the student in order to make a nursing diagnosis and establish priority for action.
School health services include the administration of all sports physicals. Physical examination are required for students new to the school vision and aural screening, tuberculosis testing, measurements of height and weight, and a scoliosis examination are also required.
In the event of illness or accident, parents will be contacted to arrange medical care students may be allowed to rest temporarily and then go to class.
No medications are include in the school's first aid supplies. Even the simplest of medications can cause reactions that mask pain or other symptoms and may delay diagnosis and treatment. For these reasons, the administration of medication or drugs is not a function of the school personnel.
If it is necessary for a student to take medication during school hours, all such medication must be left with school nurse and taken only in her presence. A note signed by parent must be presented to the nurse when medication is required. There are special requirements for students who need medication on field trips. Pleaese check with the nurse regarding this issue.
Parents of students lacking up-to-date vaccinations or boosters will be advised of the legal requirements and will be given reasonable time to comply. Failure to comply will result in the student's exclusion from school until the requirement are met.