Clubs and Organizations




    Scroll down and look at the variety of options to get involved. 

    For more information, reach out to the club's advisor(s) and keep an eye out for announcements on AMWired!

  • Academic Team

    Promotes competition, learning, and academic excellence in our members and expand the Quizbowl community.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s):  Guy Rabner

    Addiction Awareness Organization

    To bring awareness to addiction and to bring help to those who are suffering.

    Category: Service

    Advisor(s): Christie Giacobbe and Erin Field

    Agricultural Tech and Outdoors Club (formerly Greenhouse Club)

    To promote gardening and to maintain the A Hall Courtyard.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Brian Megaro

    AI Club

    This club aims to learn ore about AI and how it will change society, specifically how it will impact the learning experience of high school students.  This club would all students to engage in projects and research that will improve the learning experience.

    Category:  Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s):  HongKai Zhang

    Album Club

    To teach about the lives of performing artists and expand students' views on different genres of music, introducing new styles and helping them understand the composition of music, and why it is written.  Also, to enjoy music and listen together (book club for music albums). 

    Category:  Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s):  Pat Catalano

    Alliance for Student Equity

    The Alliance for Student Equity (ASE) strives to educate all members of the Livingston High School community; including students, faculty, staff, and adminstrators about the diverse and expansive needs of our school population. The mission of ASE is to provide equitable access to resources and learning to create an environment in which everyone recieves what they need to feel supported.

    Category:  Cultural, Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s):  Drew Krumholz

    AL Readers Book Club

    To create a community of fellow readers who enjoy collaborating and dissecting texts.  We hope to create volunteer opportunities as well.

    Category:  Media/Publications

    Advisor (s):  Jordan Virgil

    All Smiles Club

    The All Smiles Club brings people together to support various causes. What sets us apart is our unique approach to fundraising. We generate funds through interactive experiences like day camps for kids and school-centered events like car washes, raffles, and bake sales. These initiatives not only raise money but also foster community interaction and benefit children by promoting social skills and knowledge enrichment. We plan to explore additional fundraising methods as the club evolves.

    Category:  Service

    Advisor (s):  Michael Coleman

    American Institute of Architecture Students (formerly Future Architects of America)

    To provide a structured architectural lesson and project opportunities via AIAS (American Institute of Architecture Students) and ACE mentor program

    Category: Social/Recreation & Art

    Advisor (s): Ryan Karpack

    Archery Club

    To provide students with a non-varsity/non-traditional activity and extension of physical education sports outlet.

    Category:  Extension of PE Program

    Advisor (s):  David Jones

    Aspiring Educators

    Give individuals considering pursuing a career in education resources from current teachers.

    Category:  Career Based

    Advisor (s):  Melissa DeAngelus

    Asylum Alliance

    To raise awareness in order to better the lives of refugees globally.  We plan on hosting clothing/shoe drives and fundraisers.

    Category:  Career Based

    Advisor (s):  Jacqueline Harris

    Bagels and Sox

    Bagels and Sox raises money and collects breakfast foods and socks to donate to homeless shelters.

    Category:  Service

    Advisor (s):  Kim Brady

    Biology Club

    Prepare studednt for USABO and provide experiments not provided in regular science classes, plus othe biology competitions

    Category:  Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s):  Max Diaz

    Black Student Union

    To offer a safe space for Black students and foster a community for LHS students to broaden awareness and perspectives in our school by addressing issues that affect BIPOC and civil discourse and community action.  All students are welcome. 

    Category:  Cultural

    Advisor (s):  Jason Hoyle & Gadi Ulysse

    Body Positive Alliance

    This club is affiliated with a national non-profit, student-led organization, that advocates for acceptance, representation, and equality of all bodies (regardless of shape or size). Our hope is to raise the confidence levels of our members and help to spread awareness of the body-positive movement.

    Category:  Awareness/Advocacy

    Advisor (s):  Brittany Gajewski

    Business Honor Society

    Livingston High School chapter of the business honor society honors and recognizes students who have excelled in business education.  We provide workshops and networking in business and career-related topics. 

    Category:  Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s):  Alex Lamon

    Cantrips & Cardboard Club

    To learn about the board game Dungeon and Dragons and play the game.

    Category:  Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Michael Jedwabnik & Lori Perez

    Chamber Singers

    Chamber Singers is the all-female select vocal ensemble at LHS.  They perform in concert settings and at community events during the year.  

    Category:  Academic/Curricular, Art

    Advisor (s):  Dan King

    Chess Club/Team

    We promote, teach, and nurture chess education in the school and in the larger community, as well as compete. Click HERE to view a video about our accomplishments for the 2023-2024 school year!

    Category:  Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s):  Will Peklo

    Chinese Culture Club

    To spread and teach Chinese culture through games, activities, and informational meetings 

    Category:  Cultural

    Advisor (s):  Xin Cai

    Chinese Honor Society

    CHS serves to help students learning Chinese advance their knowledge of Chinese culture and become recognized for their achievement in learning the language. It develops a community among students and encourages them to continue pursuing the language in the future. 

    Category:  Cultural, Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s):  Xin Cai

    Christian Club

    To provide a space for student to talk and learn about the Christian faith and how their faith plays out in their day to day lives.  All are welcome. 

    Category:  Cultural

    Advisor (s):  HongKai Zhang

    Class of 2024

    The class of 2024 is responsible for organizing the senior class prom, the senior luncheon and breakfast, and for fundraising in order to support the aforementioned activities.  Additionally, the class board is responsible for fostering school spirit and assisting with Student Government activities. 

    Category:  Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s):  James Memory & Drew Krumholz

    Class of 2025

    To fundraise and plan Class of 2025 events.

    Category:  Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s):  Kelly Rocco & Kim Constanzo

    Class of 2026

    To fundraise and plan Class of 2026 events.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Pat Catalano and Nick Brooks

    Class of 2027

    The Class officers work with class advisors to plan fundraising in support of the Class of 2027, specifically for junior and senior proms.  Additionally, the representatives work with the student government to host events throughout the year, such as the Underclassman Formal.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Rachel Henry and Anthony Fischer

    Costumes for Fall Drama & Spring Musical

    To create costumes for LHS theatre productions. 

    Category:  Art

    Advisor (s):  Alyssa LaMedica

    Court Appointed Special Advocates

    The Court Appointed Special Advocates Organization works to provide care for children placed in foster care due to abuse or neglect.  As a Livingston High School-based club, we will be conducting drives and fundraisers.

    Category:  Service

    Advisor (s):  Jordan Virgil

    Crafts for a Cause

    We create and decorate crafts to donate to local community organizations. We also hold fundraisers to raise money for various charities, including St. Jude. In the past, we have also baked goods like cookies and cupcakes to sell to the school community. We also collaborate with Key Club to help those in our community.

    Category:  Social/Recreation, Art, Service

    Advisor (s): Kim Brady

    Cricket Club

    The Cricket Club is to provide the love of cricket into the LHS community.  We will discuss our passion for cricket, follow cricket matches and learn new cricket techniques. When the weather gets warmer, we will try to practice cricket in an available outdoor space.

    Category:  Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s):  Sarah Rosenberg

    Deco Club

    A place to enjoy scrapbooking, card making, and journaling. 

    Category:  Social

    Advisor (s): Alison Fauerbach

    Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools around the globe.

    Category:  Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Daniel Quackenbush

    Eastern European Club 

    To bring together Eastern European students and learn more about the cultures

    Category: Cultural

    Advisor (s): Marisa Vosa


    The purpose of the Ecolancers is to utilize the knowledge and skills developed in technology and science classes to develop a high-mileage vehicle that meets the necessary specifications to compete in the international Shell EcoMarathon challenge. Students work together to design a vehicle, utilize safe operating procedures, and maintain all the logistics involved in this competition, including obtaining the funding to complete the challenge.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): David Richards 

    Environmental Awareness and Action Club

    This club will focus on NJ water body health, collecting data in line with the NJ DEP watershed ambassadors, and raising community awareness about the importance and benefits of healthy water bodies

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Michelle Sipe

    Envirothon Team

    To compete in the NJ Envirothon Competition (in May) - a natural resources problem-solving competition where a group of five students take test in soils, aquatics, forestry, wildlife, current issues, and a team presentation

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Doug Jay

    Filipino Club

    The Filipino Club, a multicultural organization open to all students, aims to celebrate and share the diverse traditions of the Philippines with the school community. In addition, the Filipino Club is a service organization that participates in relief efforts to aid victims of poverty and natural disasters in the Philippines. 

    Category: Cultural, Service

    Advisor (s): Michael Sunga & Christina Bravo

    Film Circle

    A group where movie enthusiasts talk about movies they watch and enjoy. Biweekly, we will watch the same movie on our own time, then meet to talk about it and give our opinions.

    Category: Cultural, Art, Social

    Advisor (s): Brian Hartt

    Food Allergy Awareness Club

    To spread awareness about food allergies. To raise money to donate to organizations that research ways to cure food allergies. 

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Kelsey Collins

    Forensic Speech & Debate

    The purpose of Speech & Debate is to promote interest in all forms of public speech, encourage a spirit of fellowship, and confer upon deserving candidates recognition of their achievements.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Elena Cannarozzi & Julianne Caccavale

    French Club

    The purpose of this organization is to celebrate French culture while exploring ways students can implement and share their French knowledge within the Livingston community.  This club/society will meet to commemorate strong French students and their ideas for fundraisers, club events, and inductions to strengthen the French community.

    Category: Cultural

    Advisor (s): Soukeyna Diop-Tall

    French Honor Society Club

    To celebrate the accomplishments of students in the French curriculum.

    Category: Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s): Soukeyna Diop-Tall

    Friendship Circle Club

    Raise awareness and brainstorm charitable ideas for the Friendship Circle.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Stephen Schaible

    Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

    Bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through invovative leadship and career development programs.

    Category:  Academic/Curricular, Service

    Advisor (s): Thomas Garzon & Hal Mordkoff

    Gender Sexuality Alliance

    The purpose of the GSA is to create a brave space for all students, in order to celebrate our diversity together.  We will discuss local, national, and global issues impacting the LGBTQIA+ communities and continue our efforts to promote acceptance of all individuals in our school and the larger Livingston communities.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Drew Krumholz & Daniella Buonomo

    Girls Learn International (GLI)

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Carmen Michael

    Glamour Gals

    Glamour Girls is a nationwide non-profit organization that inspires companionship and conversation with seniors living in residential homes through complimentary beauty makeovers and activities led and organized by teen volunteers.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Elena Cannarozzi

    Global Financial Literacy Club

    To promote financial literacy education in LHS through fun competitions, seminars, and volunteer opportunities to help economically disadvantaged groups in the US, specifically the immigrant community.

    Category: Academic, Cultural, Service

    Advisor (s): Tom Garzon & Jordan Virgil

    Green Team

    The Green Team works to make LHS a more sustainable place to learn and work.  We help organize many projects and events to bring awareness to environmental issues, practice sustainable skillsets (ie. gardening or composting), or beautification of the campus (litter clean-ups)

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Doug Jay

    Habitat for Humanity Club

    Our goal is to educate our members on inadequate housing in America and to join with Habitat for Humanity to ensure that everyone has a decent place to live.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Debbie Holtzman

    Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

    The goal of the Livingston HOSA chapter is to use different activities to broaden the knowledge of healthcare in students and to build meaningful relationships between the school and the healthcare community.

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Service

    Advisor (s): Bobbi Bremmer & Mary Kaspriskie

    Indian Culture Club

    The LHS Indian Culture Club serves to unite the Indian community in Livingston And promote the greater understanding of Indian culture.  We will celebrate various cultural Indian holidays throughout the year, watch Indian movies together, and much more.  We also hope to participate in local Indian events and instill an appreciation for Indian culture in LHS community.

    Category: Cultural / Social 

    Advisor (s): Jill Tejeda

    Inner Circle

    To provide opportunities for students to lead and direct a cabaret and play.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Scott Patteson

    Inner Voices Art and Literary Magazine

    Support the creative arts, and develop a literary/art magazine for students at the school.

    Category: Media/Publications, Art

    Advisor (s): Rachel Henry and Chris Iannuzzi


    The Livingston Interact Club will offer opprotunites for students to participate in community service projects as part of this chapter of the International Interact Organization as well as working hand in hand with the Rotary Club of Livingston.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Rob Gillo

    International Thespian Society

    To reward and honor dedicated members of our program both onstage and off.  Also to advocate for the program in community.

    Category: Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s): Scott Patteson

    Investing Club

    In the Investing Club, we focus on educating our peers on investing and personal finance in an engaging manner.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Dan Quackenbush

    Italian Culture Club

    Celebrate and promote Italian culture in Livingston High School and the surrounding community.

    Category: Cultural

    Advisor (s): Guy Rabner

    Italian Honor Society

    Honor and recognize Italian students who have succeeded and have earned admission into the honor society. Students in the society will serve as tutors, leaders, and helpers toward the Italian language and cultural functions during the school year.

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s): Guy Rabner

    Jazz Improv Club

    To create an environment and community for jazz musicians to play together and learn about improvisational, music theory and small combo playing

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Mike Pizzone

    Jewish Student Union - Jewish-Israeli Club

    The purpose of the organization is to celebrate and teach Jewish and Israeli Culture while helping those students feel welcome (though all are invited and welcome).

    Category: Cultural

    Advisor (s): Susana Fernandez-Poyatos

    Junior State of America Chapter

    This club would be a chapter of the non-partisan organization, the Junior State of America.  The organization has millions of members and is aimed at encouraging non-partisan activism and respectful discussions regarding environmental, socio-economic, and political issues among participating student bodies

    Category: Academic

    Advisor (s): Oscar Benavides

    Key Club

    Key Club International is a youth service-leadership organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. It is the oldest and largest service program for high school students and is entirely student-led. Key Clubbers are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. The core values of Key Club are leadership, character building, care, and inclusiveness.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Val Desamours & Marjorie Duffy

    Korean Club

    To learn and explore more about the Korean culture, food, makeup/skincare, fashion, music and language

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Kim Brady

    L-Town Business Boosters

    L-Town Business Boosters would create advertisements by using creativity to market for small businesses in town

    Category: Media, Art, Service

    Advisor (s): Tim Callahan

    Lancer HCHY

    This club will be the student arm of Healthy Community, Healthy Youth (HCHY) which works with 6 Livingston organizations: Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Livingston Philanthropies, Children's Theatre of Livingston, Friends of Cheronobad, The Livingston Animal Shelter, The Livingston Robotics Club and the Arts Council of Livingston. The function of the club will be to assist and help run events, work in the food pantry when needed, and advise the various groups as students.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Martha Ackermann & Wendy Gelman

    League of Women Voters Junior Chapter

    The League of Women Voters is a bipartisan organization whose mission is "to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and to influence public policy through education and advocacy." The LWV of Livingston is responsible for, not only helping to register voters, but also conducting the annual Board of Education, County Freeholders and Town Council debates, as well as sponsoring community discussions events.  The high school branch will explore federal, state, and local voting procedures, delve into ideas about expanding voting access as well as combating voter suppression, and establish a safe space to discuss today's pressing issues.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Rachel Skerker

    Leo Club

    The Leo Club works with the local Lions club to do community service events in the community.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Jacqueline Pascale

    LHS Care for Canines

    The LHS Care for Canines ultimate goal is to provide assistance to dogs at our local animal shelter through fundraisers, donations, and volunteer work, while also providing students at LHS with the opportunity to better understand the importance of such shelters and obtain service hours. We have already established a partnership with the Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter and are in talks with them about our future endeavors as an organization.  One of our main purposes of our organization is to create fundraising events for the Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter.  We plan to fundraise money, dog toys, and dog food for their organization. We have already received wishlists from the Mount Pleasant Animal shelter that are specific for fundraising items and events.

    Category: Social/Recreation & Service

    Advisor (s): Robert Liquori & Teresa Fannell

    LHS Chamber Orchestra

    Students audition for this advanced honors ensemble, and perform and rehearse music at a high level. They perform at the winter and spring concerts, the All-Township concert, and community events.

    Category: Music Performance Ensemble

    Advisor (s): Nancy Ciminnisi

    LHS Chemistry Club

    LHS Chemistry Club provides an entertaining and engaging academic environment for students to physically apply chemistry concepts.  We also provide a tutoring space for student who may be struggling with their chemistry course content.  This year we are opening a new "introduction to chemistry" chapter for the freshman class to prepare for sophomore year. 

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Mike Coleman

    LHS Coding Club

    The purpose of the club is to teach students different coding languages and build projects in a community

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Service

    Advisor (s): Jennifer Gee

    LHS Dance Team

    Dance Team is a performance based group in the styles of contemporary, jazz, and hip hop. The Dance Team performs at events both in and outside of the LHS community. Team members offer masters classes in a variety of styles of dance for all dancers at LHS to enjoy and help promote the art of dance within the LHS community and beyond. 

    Category: Social/Recreation & Art

    Advisor (s): Amanda Bigelow

    LHS Democrats

    To educate our members in the role of active citizens in a democracy, to develop a sense of social and economic justice to serve our community.

    Category: Political

    Advisor (s): Martha Ackerman & Charles Downing

    LHS Jewelry Club

    To show students the art of jewelry making as a pastime, offering volunteer opportunites by redirecting club fundraising to charities.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Daria Martin

    LHS National Organization for Women (NOW)

    This club provides a space to discuss issues regarding gender equality, including but not limited to discussions of and action towards violence against women, LGBTQIA* rights, constitutional equality, and economic justice.

    In addition to hosting roundtables as forums for such discussion, the organization has provided guest speakers and conducted various fundraising and/or service projects in support of minority groups in various locations such as women's shelters.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Rachel Henry & Rachel Skerker

    LHS Physics Club

    This club will promote physics and do interesting, engaging, extra-curricular physic labs to demonstrate key physics concepts. We will also offer tutoring for all Physics.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Matthew Alden Earle

    LHS Podcast Club,  "Livingston Says"

    Podcasts are one of the most popular forms of media in today's digital world. This club would give LHS students the platform to share their passion and simultaneously give them experience with a growing form of media.

    The student's discussions will be school-appropriate passions or hobbies that can be presented through podcasts in 10-20 minute episodes. 

    Category: Media/Publications

    Advisor (s): Martha Ackermann & Mrigaya Singh

    LHS Stage Crew, Lighting & Sound Club

    Collaborate with other group members to help build the sets for the LHS Theatre fall drama and spring musical.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Brian Megaro

    Livingston AAPI Youth Alliance (LAYA)

    Counteract discrimination and prejudice held against the AAPI community by providing awareness about the historical and cultural importance of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to the United States. Initiatives will also include mental-health awareness and anti-bullying efforts among the AAPI community.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Michael Sunga & Xin Cai

    Livingston Aviation and Aerospace Club

    The Aviation Club would be a platform for Aviation and Aerospace enthusiasts to come together and learn more.  

    Category: Academic/Social

    Advisor (s): Dave Richards

    Livingston High School Lancer Jazz Band and Livingston High School Lab Jazz Band

    The jazz Band will perform at competitions, elementary schools, the jazz band dinner dance, Intergenerational Prom, district art show, district Jazz Festival, etc.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Jim Hegedus and Mike Jedwabnik

  • Livingston High School Lancer Marching Band

    Perform at all football games, competitions, and town events.

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Music

    Advisor (s): Jim Hegedus, Mike Jedwabnik, Erik Donough, Maureen Biss, Emily Nevola, Kenneth Zampella

    LHS Livingston Historical Society (LHS LHS)

    LHS LHS club would be a chapter of our town's historical society.  The purpose of the historical society is to foster a deep apprecation of the development of our community primarily by preserving and presenting materials illustrating the history of the area. 

    Category: Cultural

    Advisor (s): Lauren Wells

    Livingston High School Robotics

    To provide students with an opportunity to learn engineering design concepts through the building of robots to meet certain challenges designed by First Robotics and spread knowledge of Robotics through an outreach. 

    Category: Academics/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Ryan Karpack & Matthew Van Pelt

    Livingston History Bowl

    To compete in the National History Bee and Bowl organized tournament at regional and national level. To encourage study and passion in the subject of history.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Brynn Smith

    Livingston High School Ski & Snowboarding Club

    To encourage a safe and enjoyable fun way to socialize and spend free time skiing and snowboarding.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Marissa Vosa

    Make-A-Wish Club

    To raise money for Make-A-Wish America and Make-A-Wish New Jersey.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Mike Munley

    Map Club

    To educate students about current events through maps

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Samantha Kowalak

    Math Team

    The purpose of our club is to encourage students to participate in math competitions and pursue the field of mathematics.  

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Pat Catalano

    Metal Arts Club

    This club give students who did not have the chance to take Metal Arts as an elective, the opportunity to learn some of the skills involved in metal arts and give students who have taken the class, the ability to work on class pieces and further refine them.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Robert Liquori

    Mock Trial

    Livingston Mock Trial team competes in the NJ State Bar Association county and state competition

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Tom Garzon

    Mock Government

    The function of the club is to spread more knowledge about our national and local governments.  Inviting guest and playing simulated games where we do mock government style activities. 

    Category: Academic / Curricular

    Advisor (s): Lauren Wells

    Model UN

    To allow students to delve into global issues, while simulating the structure and process of the UN.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Steve Schaible

    Muslim Student Association (MSA)

    We come together and set a good example for Islam.  We are planning charitable contributions and community service.

    Category: Service/Cultural

    Advisor (s): Soukeyna Diop-Tall

    Music Business Club

    The purpose of the LHS Music Business club is to expose students to various career opportunities across the music industry, including but not limited to Managers, Artists, Lawyers, Producers, Engineers, and Agents.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Jeff Dunker


    The purpose is to raise awareness about period poverty to destigmatize menstruation.  We will also be donating period products to organizations in need

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Brittany Gajewski

    National Art Honor Society

    To spread art awareness throughout school and the community. To engage in fundraising efforts.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Robert Liquori, Jalyza Dragunov, & Katy Collins

    National English Honor Society

    Confer national distinction upon secondary school students for high achievement in English language arts, build a national community of academic achievers, provide, though local chapters, cultural stimulation in high school environments, encourage interest in the English language arts, and serve society by fostering literacy.

    Category: Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s): Michael Sunga & Jacqueline Pascale

    National History Day

    To compete in the National History Day competition that is held annually, will allow multiple groups of students to submit projects and participate.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Kathryn Picardo

    National Honor Society

    NHS Eligible students will automatically receive an email the spring of their junior year or the fall of their senior year with an invitation to apply. NHS Eligibility is primarily determined by a core weighted grade point average of 3.65 or higher. Eligibility is not "acceptance" to the National Honor Society, students must submit the application they are emailed explaining their participation, leadership, and volunteer service in school and community activities. This information is reviewed by the faculty committee to determine acceptance to  NHS. Once accepted members are required to participate in the induction ceremony and pay membership dues of $15.

    Category: Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s): Joanna Frye

    National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA)

    The purpose for the NHSDA is to recognize outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement in students studying dance specifically in public and private schools in K-12 education, dance studios, cultural/community centers, performing arts organzations, and post-secondary education. Also, to foster an appreciation for dance as a true art form and one worthy of recognition and prestige.

    Category: Honor/Art

    Advisor (s): Amanda Bigelow

    National Technology Honor Society

    The National Technology Honor Society is an educational non-profit that exists to honor, recognize and empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. As the honor society for Career & Technical Education.  NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country.

    Category: Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s): Dave Richards

    Neuroscience Club

    Neuroscience Club wants to educate people about Neuroscience where interesting projects will be done.  We will also prepare for the International Youth Neuroscience Association Brain Bee.  We would like to connect with professional Neuroscientist to speak to the club members.

    Category: Academic

    Advisor (s): Tim Callahan

    New Student Society

    To meet and support new students as they enter the LHS community, pairing students up with other members.  Also, hosting meetings to bring students together

    Category: Cultural, Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Nicole Rothman & Theresa Cannone


    Notations is a co-ed select vocal ensemble that performs at concerts and community events throughout the year.

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Art

    Advisor (s): Dan King

    Ocean Science Bowl

    The purpose of this organization is to provide students with an interest in marine science and/or oceanography to participate in an academic decathlon suited to their interest.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Michelle Augliera & Jamie Kruse

    Operation Smile Club

    To raise awareness and funds to help children that are born with facial deformities.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Marissa Vosa

    Organization of Student Tutors

    To provide tutoring assistance to Livingston students grades K-12.

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Service

    Advisor (s): Adam Berryann

    Paper Bridges

    To send care packages and letters of encouragement to families in need.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Michelle Miani

    Peanut Butter & Jelly Club (PB&J)

    To provide  PB&J sandwiches for the "sandwich project" in town which provides weekly sandwiches to St.Anne's food pantry in Newark, NJ

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Marisa Vosa

    People Helping People Club

    The People Helping People Club is a volunteer club that helps both the school and the community.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Maggie Lafferty

    Philosophy Club

    The Philosophy Club aims to make complex philosophical concepts accessible and digestible to teenagers at LHS.  Curious minds will come together to explore the human thought, engage in philosophical discussions, give back, read and write, explore nature, and see philosophy in daily life. 

    Category: Social/Community Service

    Advisor (s): Jesse Carr

    Photography Club

    The Photography Club will create a space and community for hobbiest photographers and generally those passionate about photography to gather, help form supportive relationships and encourage further pursuits in photography.

    Category: Media/Publications/Art

    Advisor (s): Jennifer Gee

    Pledge for Preemies

    This club would support the local NICUs and NICU organizations so that they are able to provide the best care and comfort for their parents and all people involved. Also to be able to spread recognition of the importance of NICUs and share the valuable experience of being in the NICU.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Aruna Wigden

    Pickleball Club

    Organize inclusive after-school pickleball games for novice and expert players alike.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Maggie Lafferty

    Pony Mayhem Improv Club

    To rehearse for and perform two Improv shows during the school year and to allow students to participate in Improv rehearsals and gain improv skills.

    Category: Social/Recreation, Art

    Advisor (s): Scott Patteson

    Public Preservation Club

    Preserving the condition of public spaces and our school through sustainablilty initiatives.  We give back to the community by combining community service and environmentalism.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Kelly Rocco

    Puzzle Club

    Lets relax and put together a jigsaw puzzle and "speed puzzling"

    Category: Social

    Advisor (s): Sarah Rosenberg

    Radio Club

    The Radio Club allows students to produce programming for local cable access channel and to build their portfolio/resumes for college.

    Category: Media/Publication

    Advisor (s): Jason Daily

    Real Estate Club

    To educate students about the Real Estate business and opportunities.

    Category: Education/Career

    Advisor (s): Michael Ladolcetta

    Red Cross Club

    The Red Cross Club provides opportunities to make a difference. It is a Humanitarian Aid Club with the purpose  to help respond to those in need. The Red Cross Club also provides knowledge and life-saving skills to help prepare the community, as well as help respond to emergencies.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Kim Brady

    Republican Club

    To promote conversation about global issues and discuss personal views to gain a better understanding of politics

    Category: Political

    Advisor (s): Amy Meyer

    Rocketry Club

    The Rocketry club is a club where students can research and discuss model rocketry.  Students will learn and employ ideas in aerodynamics, propulsion, and drag through rocket simulations.It will help students understand the engineering, math and science behind rockets. 

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Dorine Starace

    Science Bowl

    Science bowl is an organization in which players compete in a buzzer format to answer questions about science topics across a variety of fields, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Energy, and Earth/Space Science.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Michael Coleman & Johanna Frye

    Science National Honor Society

    SNHS is a service, leadership, and academic organization recognizing students with a B- or better average in Science and a B average overall who also provide service and leadership in the LHS community.  In addition to maintaining the minimum GPA, students also earn service points by participating in projects and enriching their science experience at LHS. For more information, view our video linked HERE!

    Category: Honor/Recognition

    Advisor (s): Max Diaz & Abbie Young

    Science Olympiad

    Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organzation dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 sciene education, increasing opportunity and diversity in science, creating a technologically-literate workforce and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Dorine Starace

    Statistics Club

    Provide students an opportunity to use techniques regarding statistics on real and applicable data.  Collect and analyze data from the student base.  Create a community for students interested in statistics

    Category: Academic

    Advisor (s): Nick Brooks

    Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education (SCOPE)

    The purpose and function of this organization is to introduce students to help others earn the same opportunity as they have had or are having.  SCOPE is an organization that sends less fortunate kids to summer camp.  Through the summer camp, they can apply for scholarships for college and other educational opportunities. 

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Emily Perrine


    SGA is to promote engagement and advocacy for all students, regardless of identity or backgorund and to work towards constantly improving our school environment. We aim to provide the student body with a voice and representation within LHS and the community by promoting involvement, ownership, leadership, and service

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Krista Delia & Taylor Torre

    Shirley Tempos

    Shirley Tempos is an unauditioned, student-run treble vocal ensemble.  It's purpose is to provide a socially-oriented, fun, and student driven vocal ensemble experience.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Dan King

    Shiv's Third Eye

    The organization raises awareness for parents about youth mental health and wellness, supports families of youth grappling with mental illness, and fundraises to sponsor breakthrough research on treatment-resistant adolescent depression.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Rachel Skerker and Emily Perrine

    Short Film Production Club

    A haven for storytellers, the Short Film Production Club is a place to cultivate inspirations and learn about the art of telling a story through film. As the independent film industry is often a road taken alone, having a place to share and celebrate a story becomes paramount

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Jeffrey Dunker

    Spanish Honor Society

    The purpose of the Spanish Honor Society is to recognize students who have demonstrated academic excellence in the Spanish lauguage and to promote Spanish culture and interest both in the classroom and in the community.  The goal is to share a love of the Spanish language and culture with everyone.

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Cultural, Honor/Special Recognition, Service

    Advisor (s): Susana Fernandez-Poyatos

    Special Minds in Science

    We plan to meet once a month to host a science experiment course at Friendship Circle in Livingston to excite younger students about science.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Abby Young

    Sports Business Club

    The purpose of this club is to introduce student to the behind the scenes of the sports we all love.  This club should be a stress free environment where students can interact with others, learn from professionals, and engage in service.  We will also focus on promoting financial literacy among students and creating a network of like-minded business-suited invididuals.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Cara Dlugo

    Sports Debate Club

    The club would focus on sports discussions, debate, and research for all students who are interested in sports and would like to converse with others in a school environment.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Sean Cruz

    STEM Research Society Club

    Participants will be able to collaborate on creating and publishing formal research papers towards a local problem within Livingston alongside others interested in their correspondence STEM fields, giving them the opportunity to engage and apply their passions towards the community without having formal research experience, learning and teaching others in the process.

    Category: Academic

    Advisor (s): Eliza Vieira

    Teams 4 Kids

    Teams 4 Kids is an organization dedicated to helping underprivileged children play on sports teams. The club achieves this through fundraising, supply drives for sports equipment, and occasional running of sports lessons.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Scott Schroeder

    Techie Teen Tutors

    To provide technology support to senior citizens in the community

    Category: Media/Publications, Service

    Advisor (s): Mary Kaspriskie & James Memory

    TEDx Livingston High School "Ted Talk Club"

    The purpose of the club is to train future public speakers and teach public speaking skills, inspire the spread of ideas and spread important ideas. 

    Category: Other - Public Speaking

    Advisor (s): Jacqueline Pascale

    Television Production Club

    Advanced knowledge of TV production by creating public relations videos and publicity for the district and township

    Category: Media/Publication

    Advisor (s): Steven Milano

    The CONRAD Challenge

    In this club, the students become innovators by applying science and technology to solve problem with global impact with plans to compete in the Conrad Challenge.  

    Category: Academic

    Advisor (s): Pat Catalano

    The Education Alliance (T.E.A.)

    T.E.A. efforts are to provide children born into India's lowest socioeconomic class with high quality K-12 education through fundraising by sending it to a NGO (Shanti Bhavan Children Project) which is based in India. 

    Category: Social/Service

    Advisor (s): Mrigaya Singh

    The Lance Newspaper

    To publish the school newspaper with articles written by the student body. 

    Category: Media/Publications

    Advisor (s): Timothy Callahan

    The Robox Club

    The Roblox Club is a place for Roblox users to connect with each other, as Roblox is one of the most popular games on the web.  In this club, we will mainly be discussing topics revolving around Roblox such as popularity, content, and user-friendliness.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Brynn Smith

    Trial Blazers

    Raise money for curing Pediatric Cancer & raise awareness.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Mickey Ennis & Maggie Lafferty

    Tri-M Music Honor Society

    Recognition for long-standing commitment to the music program, provide opportunities for performance, service as they make their way toward induction.

    Category: Honor/Special Recognition

    Advisor (s): Nancy Ciminnisi

    Ultimate Frisbee Interest Club

    The purpose of the club is to help expand the sport and have fun playing together.

    Category: Social/Recreation

    Advisor (s): Emily Mann

    UNICEF Club

    A Unicef club's purpose is to support UNICEF's mission for children and it functions as a student-led organization engaging in fundraising, advocacy, and education to promote child rights and well-being worldwide.

    Category: Academic/Curricular, Social/Recreation, Service

    Advisor (s): Soukeyna Diop-Tall

    United Way Club

    To serve and support asset-limited, income-restrained, and employed individuals/families in surrounding areas.  Engage in meaningful service work to make community impact

    Category: Honor/Special Recognition, Service

    Advisor (s): Jordan Virgil

    Visual Arts Studio (formerly Studio Art Club)

    An opportunity for students to explore materials used in the visual arts world (sculpture, printmaking, painting, drawing).  Students can use this time to work on their portfolios.

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Jalyza Dragunov & Anika Patel


    Voicemales is an un-auditioned, student-run male-identifying vocal ensemble.  It's purpose is to provide a socially-oriented, fun, and student-driven vocal ensemble experience

    Category: Art

    Advisor (s): Dan King

    We Are One Heart

    The mission of our organization is to fundraise money for impoverished schools in Ecuador. The money will be used to specifically fund playground equipment.

    Category: Cultural / Service

    Advisor (s): Susana Fernandez-Poyatos

    WESTEM - Women in Entrepreneurship & STEM Club

    WESTEM hopes to provide an empowering, supportive community for young women at LHS interested in pursuing a career in entrepreneurship or STEM.

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Eliza Vieira

    Women in Business

    LHS WIB is to encourage female students that enjoy business as a subject to be able to talk about business, their ideas, and aspirations in a comfortable setting

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Delaney Hoffman


    Creation of the yearbook. 

    Category: Academic/Curricular

    Advisor (s): Kelsey Collins & Jim Memory

    Young Hearts Club

    The organization holds monthly events to interact with senior citizens and bring them smiles.  Events may require in-person volunteering or simply dropping off an item at a specific location.

    Category: Service

    Advisor (s): Brett Bisconti