

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jennifer Szostak

 Welcome to 4th grade!

Dear Fourth Grader,

Welcome to Fourth grade! My name is Mrs. Szostak and I am going to be your teacher this year. I hope that you are enjoying the last bit of summer. I have been in school getting our classroom ready for the year. I look forward to getting to know you better and helping you achieve all of your educational goals for the year. Please talk to me if you have something to share, if you do not understand a lesson or if you are upset. I think you will find that I am a good listener. We can talk and find a way to help you do your best. If we work together I know we will be on the right track toward a successful school year. I know we will have the best year!

To begin our first day together, many of you have already purchased the Tool Kit through the PTA. These supplies will be waiting for you on the first day of school. If you did not purchase these supplies, the fourth grade supply list is below. It is not necessary to bring them all to school on the first day, but you will need them no later than Friday, September 8. Our first day of school is Tuesday, September 5. We will say goodbye to our families and walk over to our classroom, room 16.

Please bring with you: • a reading book/books of your choice; • a backpack, with any school supplies you have • a healthy snack and a water bottle • an art smock in a labeled zip lock bag (labeled with your name) • items and/or pictures to share with the class that make you feel happy. (For example, I might bring in a picture of my family or my favorite place, Cape Cod) and of course a smile!

I look forward to hearing all about your summer activities!

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Love, Mrs. Szostak

Room 16

 If you need to contact me, please email me at:

I am happy to meet with you at any time. 

Scholastic Order:  RFYWL

Newsela Code: C8GV4A

Follow our class on Twitter:  @MrsSmpe4

Remind App: 


Schoology will be replacing the LPS web pages soon!

Last Modified on August 28, 2023