Please check the student planner for homework assignments. We will write them daily in our planners
Math will be assigned each night except for Friday (unless there is studying for a test).
Word Study homework is listed in the Word Study notebook - stapled to the front cover. Please follow the weekly schedule
Read 30 minutes
Reading Response once a week - questions are in the Reading Response notebook. Students are to choose one question to answer and hand in by Friday. Students should use the RACERS format when answering questions about their reading. We will review this in class before they are expected to do this.
Math - different each night, usually consists of a sheet of review from the day's lesson or fluency practice. Please be sure your child is studying their basic facts!
Homework should not take more than 40 minutes (not including reading time).
If you are having trouble finishing homework in a reasonable amount of time, please come and talk to me!