- Livingston Public Schools
- Administrative Teams
Superintendent's Office Dr. Daniel Fishbein
Superintendent of Schools
Email: dfishbein@livingston.orgMs. Toni McLaughlin
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Email: tmclaughlin@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8011 / Fax: 844-327-5372Assistant Superintendent's Office (Curriculum, Instruction & Innovation Mr. Mark Stern
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction & Innovation
Email: mstern@livingston.orgMrs. Vanessa Barboza
Administrative Assistant to Mr. Stern
Email: vbarboza@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8029Ms. Jennifer Loniewski
Director of Curriculum & Instruction/PD
Email: jloniewski@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8023Mrs. Natalie Topylko
Director of Curriculum & Instruction-STEM/Testing
Email: ntopylko@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8904Mrs. Teresa Rehman
Director of Technology & Innovation
Email: trehman@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8175Assistant Superintendent's Office (Equity, Intervention, Inclusion & Inspiration) Mrs. Lisa Capone-Steiger
Assistant Superintendent for Equity, Intervention, Inclusion, Inspiration
Email: lsteiger@livingston.orgMs. Erin DeMiceli
Administrative Assistant to Mrs. Capone-Steiger
Email: edemiceli@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8032Mrs. Sinead Crews
Director of School Counseling
Email: screws@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8137Ms. Danielle Rosenzweig
Director of Special Education (Grades PreK-6)
Email: drosenzweig@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8008Dr. Maura Tuite
Director of Special Education (Grades 7-12)
Email: mtuite@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8115School Business Administrator/Board Secretary's Office Mrs. Jessica Rapp
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Email: jrapp@livingston.orgMs. Joann Goldberg
Administrative Assistant to Mrs. Rapp
Email: jgoldberg@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8012/Fax: 844-372-5372Ms. Kylie McGlew
Assistant Business Administrator/Assistant Board Secretary
Email: kmcglew@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8015, x8331/Fax: 844-833-6208 -
Building & Grounds Department Mr. James Perrette
Manager, Buildings & Grounds
Email: jperrette@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8033Mr. Anthony Burrows
Assistant Manager, Buildings & Grounds
Email: arburrows@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8020Mrs. Nancy Held
Administrative Assistant, Buildings & Grounds/Coordinator of District Facilities
Email: nheld@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x2360 / Fax: 844-827-4742Business Administration Office Mrs. Kylie McGlew
Assistant Business Administrator
Email: kmcglew@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8015Mr. Sean Smith
Manager, Payroll
Email: ssmith@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8006Ms. Eileen Villar
Payroll / Benefits Assistant
Email: evillar@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8004 / Fax: 844-833-6206Ms. Lisa Gudd
Accounts Payable Clerk
Email: lgudd@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8003Ms. Kelly Caffrey
Accounts Payable Clerk
Email: kcaffrey@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8005Mrs. Amy Ennis
Email: aennis@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8002Mrs. Annette Ferreira
Email: aferreira@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8000Communications Department Mrs. Michelle Bent
Manager of Communications
Email: mbent@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8036Human Resources Department Mrs. Susan Burman
Director of Human Resources
Email: sburman@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8024Mrs. Ellen O'Connor
Applications Architect
Email: eoconnor@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8331Mrs. Katey Rulka
Human Resources Coordinator
Email: krulka@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8028/Fax: 844-436-9468Information Technology Department Mrs. Teresa Rehman
Director of Technology & Innovation
Email: trehman@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8175Mr. Eddie Lara
Network Administrator
Email: elara@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x7000Mr. Lance Jordan
Manager, Information Technology
Email: ljordan@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x2939Mr. Joseph Pellegrino
Database Administrator
Email: jpellegrino@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8017Mr. Jesse Allard
Systems Administrator
Email: jallard@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x6919Mrs. Jean Kang
Technology Support Staff
Email: ekang@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x3325Special Education Mrs. Chrylyn Bell-Myers
Administrative Assistant to Dr. Maura Tuite
Email: cbellmyers@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8115Mrs. Tana Martinez
Administrative Assistant to Ms. Danielle Rosenzweig
Email: tmartinez@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8008Transportation Department Ms. Bertha Bermudez
Manager, Transportation
Email: bbermudez@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8027Ms. Sandra Orejarena
Assistant Manager, Transportation
Email: sorejarena@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8013/Fax: 844-880-0600 -
Business, Technology & Engineering Mr. Robert Rolling
PreK-12 Supervisor
Email: rrolling@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8053English Language Arts/English Mrs. Leala Baxter
K-6 Supervisor
Email: lbaxter@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8043Mr. Kevin Wittmaack
7-12 Supervisor
Email: kwittmaack@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8038Health/Physical Education Mr. Robert Grosso
PreK-12 Supervisor
Email: rgrosso@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8174Mr. Dave Cohen
LHS Athletic Director
Email: dcohen@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8065Mathematics Ms. Angelina Rodriguez
K-6 Supervisor
Email: arodriguez@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8073Mr. Antonio Matheus
7-12 Supervisor
Email: amatheus@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8052Science Dr. Dorian Gemellaro
K-6 Supervisor
Email: dgemellaro@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8078Mr. Brian Carey
7-12 Supervisor
Email: bcarey@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x7365Social Studies Mr. Christopher Bickel
K-6 Supervisor
Email: cbickel@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x7368Ms. Dawn Feeley
7-12 Supervisor
Email: dfeeley@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8049Special Education Ms. Danielle Rosenzweig
Director of Special Education (Grades PreK-6)
Email: drosenzweig@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8107Dr. Maura Tuite
Director of Special Education (Grade 7-12)
Email: mtuite@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8048Mrs. Krystie Loeuis
Transition Coordinator
Email: kloeuis@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x6932Visual & Performing Arts Ms. Mara Rubin
PreK-12 Supervisor
Email: mrubin@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8116World Language & English as a Second Language Ms. Ali Marzulla
Pre-K-12 Supervisor
Email: amarzulla@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8056 -
Burnet Hill Elementary School Mt. Pleasant Middle School Dr. Lisa Barreto
Email: lsamabarreto@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x6920Mrs. Bronawyn O'Leary
Email: boleary@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8070Collins Elementary School Heritage Middle School Mrs. Michelle Cebula
Email: mcebula@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8120Mr. Shawn Kelly
Email: skelly@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8091Harrison Elementary School Livingston High School Mr. Daniel Garcia
Email: dgarcia@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8111Mr. Amro Mohammed
Email: amohammed@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8101Hillside Elementary School Mr. Carlos Gramata
Email: cgramata@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8150Mt. Pleasant Elementary School Dr. Lorena Dolan
Email: ldolan@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8140Riker Hill Elementary School Mrs. Brooke Benavides
Email: bbenavides@livingston.org
Phone: 973-535-8000, x8131