- Livingston Public Schools
- What's Happening With 1:1?
What's Happening With Our 1:1 Initiative?
The District Technology Committee has been so busy doing our due diligence since the November 23, 2015, Board of Education meeting! Research, school visits, trainings, conferences, an administrative visit to Microsoft Corporation, a pilot program at both Heritage Middle School and Livingston High School and an Eduscape/Microsoft Teacher Academy Day. Whew!!! Makes us tired just reading about the exciting things we've been up to.Take a look at some of our recent activities:
- In-house Professional Development Training sessions on Windows 10, Office 365, OneDrive and OneNote.
- Pilot Teacher Training sessions at the Microsoft Store in Willowbrook Mall.
- Teleconference with Sarasota County Schools in Florida. You can read the notes some of the Technology Committee members took about the content of the call about using the Surface 3 Pro in their classrooms.
- Our on-site visit to Lynbrook Middle School in Lynbrook, Long Island was productive and VERY informative. Wow!, do they like the Surface as well as the 1:1 with their middle schoolers.
- Next we have a trip to the Somers Middle School in Somers, New York to see their 1:1 Surface initiative.
- On January 27, 2016 some of our Board of Education members, our Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and our Business Administrator as well as Principals and Supervisors will be visiting the Microsoft Center in New York City for a presentation and training.
- Many of our teachers, administrators and a few Board of Education members will be attending an Eduscape/Microsoft Teacher Academy Day on January 29, 2016. Just goes to show that we are all in this together and are active participants in our district's future!
- LAST BUT NOT LEAST . . . our pilot program during the month of January. LHS we will be test driving the Surface 3 Pro and Surface 4 Pro in a history class and in a Math class to pilot the device and its impact on classroom learning and teaching. In addition, students at Heritage Middle School will also be piloting at the same time with Lenovo laptops we currently own and are kept in carts. Students in both schools will have the opportunity to see how taking home the device and having 24/7 access affects their lives.