Saving Your Work/End of Year Procedures

  • Please make sure you are logged into your Google account before you click on the links below. 

    Students in Grades 7-11
    Have you been using OneNote in any of your classes this year?  Do you want to save your notes from your OneNote class notebooks? (Once your teachers delete the class notebooks, you will lose access to these materials.) Please be sure to save a copy of any materials to a personal OneNote notebook by July 31st.

    Saving OneNote Class Notebooks

    Students in Grades 7 and 8
    Save Your Files Stored in your I-Drive, on your Desktop, in Documents, Downloads, and Pictures. Please make sure to do this before you return your device.

    Option 1: Save to a Flash Drive
    1. Open File Explorer.
    2. Select the files/folders you want to save.
    3. Right-click and select Send to.
    4. Select your flash drive from the list of locations.

    Option 2: Upload to a Personal Google Drive
    1. Log into your Google Account. 
    2. Click New and File upload or Folder upload.
    3. Select the files or folders you want to save.
    4. Click Upload.

    LHS graduating seniors (and students leaving the district)
    Any files from your hard drive that you wish to keep must be saved on a flash drive or transferred to a personal cloud based account (Google, Microsoft) prior to turning in your device. 

    Student Google and Microsoft accounts will be disabled on July 31st. 

    Click on the links below for special instructions for graduating seniors and students leaving the district.

    Instructions for Saving OneNote Class Notebooks
    Instructions for Saving Google Drive, OneDrive, or other files