Family/Consumer Science Department

    Family/Consumer Science areas of study include: Foods & Nutrition, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Hotel/Restaurant Management, and Family/Child Development.  Classes range from half-year to full-year and are designed to provide students with an overview of various areas, skills, and careers related to wellness, nutrition, child development, fashion, and foods/hospitality.

    All the courses listed below satisfy the 21st Century Life and Careers, or Career-Technical Education graduation requirement (minimum of 5 credits required for graduation).

    There can be courses where students may have proficiency in the content from prior or out-of-school programs or experiences. If a student seeks to enroll in a course and has not taken the required pre-requisite at Livingston High School, the student must demonstrate his/her comparable proficiencies to the department supervisor.  Students may not enter into a course without successful completion of a required pre-requisite or department supervisor approval. Upon supervisor approval, students will be notified if they are permitted to enter into the requested course.

    Mr. Robert Rolling
    PreK-12 Supervisor, Business, Technology & Engineering
    Phone: 973-535-8000, x8053
    LPS fashion LPS interior design