New Student Registration
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- Livingston Public Schools
- Residency Requirements
Policy #5111 - Eligibility of Resident/Non-Resident Pupils
PROOF OF DOMICILED RESIDENCY is required at the time of registration. Depending upon your circumstance, the parent/guardian must supply the following documents as listed below:*
Primary and Secondary Proof of Ownership for Student Living with Parent/Guardian who is a Livingston Homeowner
- PRIMARY: Original deed or property tax bill
- SECONDARY (2 PROOFS REQUIRED): Original of current month or one month prior’s utility bill, voter registration card, or other legal mail addressed to your name at your Livingston address.
Proof of Tenancy for Student Living with Parent/Guardian who is a Livingston Renter
- Copy of lease PLUS
- Owner/Landlord Affidavit Form PLUS
- Current month or one month prior’s utility bill, voter registration card, or other legal mail addressed to your name at your Livingston address.
Proof that Student and Parent/Guardian are Living with Other Family/Friend who is a Livingston Homeowner
Documentation from Homeowner
- Residency Affidavit (must be notarized) PLUS
- Original homeowner's deed or property tax bill PLUS
- Original current month or one month prior's utility bill, voter registration card, or other legal mail addressed to your name at your Livingston address.
Documentation from Parent/Guardian of student
- Bank statement PLUS
- Bill, pay stub, or other legal mail addressed to your name at your Livingston address.
Proof that Student and Parent/Guardian Living with Other Family/Friend who is a Livingston Renter
Documentation from Homeowner
- Residency Affadavit (must be notarized) PLUS
- Completed Owner/Landlord Affidavit Form PLUS
- Renter's copy of lease PLUS
- Original current month or one month prior's utility bill, voter registration card, or other legal mail addressed to your name at your Livingston address.
Documentation from Parent/Guardian of student
- Bank statement PLUS
- Bill, pay stub, or other legal mail addressed to your name at your Livingston address.
Additional documentation is required for the following circumstances:
- If Parents/Guardians live at more than one residence, regardless of which parent has legal custody, court documentation of the custody agreement must be supplied. If a legal custody agreement does not exist, Forms 218A and 218B must be completed.
- If Guardian for a student with parents who do not reside in Livingston, complete forms Landlord Affidavit, Affidavit of Domiciliary and Affidavit of Non-Resident Parent/Guardian. Forms are available at the Administrative Office.
*PLEASE NOTE: If parent/guardian is unable to provide any of the documents listed above,
please contact Amy Ennis, Registrar, at 973-535-8000, x8002.