Considering School Board Candidacy?

    Local school board membership is a challenging and rewarding way to serve your community and its schoolchildren. Now is the time to consider school board candidacy for the Livingston Board of Education. In November 2023, voters will elect one candidate to serve for a three year term. 
    A candidate must file a nominating petition with the county clerk for his or her name to appear on the ballot during the annual school election. The deadline to submit the petition is 4 p.m. on Monday, July 29, 2024. The election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
    Prospective school board candidates can download candidate information from the New Jersey School Boards Association’s website. The School Board Candidate Kit includes information about nominating petitions, legal qualifications for school board candidacy, and the role of the school board member. Information about the New Jersey School Ethics Act and important dates in the school election process are also included.