Basic Movement - Rhythm & Dance (September & throughout the year)

    Leap: right/left*

    Combine movement into repeatable patterns

    Participates in physical activity to improve

    Identify ways movement concepts can refine skills

    Individual/partner jump rope stunts *

    Long rope enter and exit

    Respect different backgrounds and their cultural influence on dance

    Perform dance with group

    Describe 2 dance formations


    Manipulative (November, December, March – June)

    Dribble a ball 50ft travel w group using feet (Soccer)

    Kick a moving ball using instep with 2 steps (Soccer)*

    Throwing (Football)*

    Catching while traveling in various patterns (Football)

    Dribble a ball 50ft travel w group using hands (Basketball)

    Dribble while protecting ball by changing hands (Basketball)

    Strike a ball with hands accurately to partner- (Four Square)

    Strike a ball w forearms to partner- Bump (Volleyball)*

    Strike a ball with fingers to partner- Set (Volleyball)*

    Throw a ball 20’ 2/3X to target age app pattern (Baseball)

    Catch ball from distance of 15ft & absorb force *

    Bat ball 2/3 times with grip/side/rotation (Baseball)*

    Define offense and defense

    Exhibits good sportsmanship in games


    Gymnastics (January & February)

    Forward Roll 2X double smoothly*

    Positions: Lay Out / Tuck / Pike / standing back rocker*

    Backward Roll to feet without hesitation

    Pinwheel/Cartwheel transfer weight at differ levels

    Inverted balance: Tripod-Headstand-Handstand

    Vault- different body positions- flank*

    Beam: Forward/Sideways/ Backwards/Balance*

    Climb Rope 12ft

    Perform hang-tuck-pike on ropes *

    Support weight while travel on apparatus (whittle)*

    Gymnastics routine


    Fitness Testing (November-pre & May-post)

    Standing Long Jump*

    V-sit and reach

    Shuttle Run

    Pull ups

    1 Mile Run

    Curl ups

    Push ups

    Explain changes in body during CRE activity

    Score 50% or higher on 3/5 tests

    Identify & describe 50% of components

    Name activities to improve a fitness components

    Written fitness test

Last Modified on November 11, 2009