• We are thrilled to announce that the 4th grade students at Collins Elementary School will hold a Jump Rope For Heart event, during physical education class, on Friday, December 12th, supporting the American Heart Association. 

    Click on the HEART below and it will take you to the American Heart Association webpage. There is a link there for a great video about the program.  The 4th graders will see the video in P.E class.  It provides an overview of the entire event including:
    • Expectations of participants
    • How the online donation process works
    • How the collection process works

    Your children brought home their donation envelopes. 

    For the parent letter and the student registration form, please see the links to the left in the green box.

    The deadline for submitting donations is Wednesday, December 17th.

    Thanks for participating.  Please click on the heart to see the video!
Last Modified on December 1, 2014