• Please click on the link below for more information about our 3rd. grade Yoga program :

    “Yoga changes lives for the better and there is no doubt that we need to capture our children’s interest in yoga when they are young, healthy and innocent instead of waiting for them to be adults in need of fixing ailments from past abuse or trying to re-learn how to focus and find balance in their lives.”

                 -Baba Hari Dass, “A Child’s Garden of Yoga”


    What are some benefits of yoga?

    ·        Calm and focus children

    ·        Increase muscle coordination

    ·        Maintain flexibility that children’s bodies already have

    ·        Promote good health

    ·        Builds teamwork and fosters relationships

    ·        Helps concentration

    ·        Promotes self discipline

    ·        Keeps right and left brain coordination

    ·        Helps children be aware of themselves inside and out (physically and emotionally)

    ·        Increases self confidence

    ·        Encourages awareness of spirit

    ·        Helps children to feel loved and love others

    ·        Allows children to be children and have FUN!

    There are three areas of yoga that are recommended for children between the ages of 3-12:

    1. Pranayama (breathing)

    2. Meditation (stories, or mandala coloring)

    3. Asana (poses)


    Few things in this world are as important as raising children.  In every age, every era, every time and place, children are our treasures, our future, our immortality – the vital link in the chain of humanity.

    “By being a little kinder we raise not only our children, butour children’s standards”

                 -Aldous Huxley, “The Parent’s Tao Te Ching”

Last Modified on April 7, 2011